@Kate- I DEFINITELY think the media twists around what really happened. They only have one view or opinion and usually they make people believe that one thing reallly happened.
I think so, Kate. I think a lot of information gets mixed up and confused and it's hard to know. I think that is why some innocent people go to jail and some guilty can go on living their lives.
I don't believe it is ethical for him to do that. But it makes you wonder what is ethical and where the line is drawn. Is it ethical for the government to be able to control society like such through technology? If you are to compare what Marcus is doing to the overall use of technology, what he is doing is so small but could still make such a large difference.
Kate, that depends on what side you're on. The DHS website is really clean and convincing. If you believe in this security, then you think this info is perfectly accuract. So the real question is, which side is the untwisted side?
I do think that our news stories are influeced by who is sharing them with the public. Their views will come across stronger than the views of opposing opinioins, which would alter the information being told. Some parts may be left out or possibly promoted. It's like the saying, history is written by who wins the war. It depends on who's telling the story and their point of view.
It is not ethical for him to run around switching peoples informatnion. While he might not like what his government is doing he should find some legal ground to base his argument and not make life worse for everyone.
The point of the Homeland Security is to protect the civilians, so I think it was unethical of Marcus to mess with it. Like Maria said, there actually could be a terroist and he just inhibited the government from finding it. He may think that it was the right thing to do but really he just put all of his friends and his fellow citezens safety in danger
i think that things have to get worse to get better. it was unlikely that the government would catch a terrorist and if it screws up people's fake sense of security.
I disagree with Rheana. I think that messing up the data in the system can effect the likely hood of the goverment actually finding a terrorist. I also think that he is making a dumb dessicion by messing with the data. He knows what DHS can do so why would he try to get into more trouble?
I really appreciate what abby said... the truth in imforation is very Peeople may get exerpts of the truth, but finding the whole truth in any situation is hard to come by. People, anyone, including the government and the public can atler and change any infromation that they want us to know.
Troy, Skadoosh. That's the truth. If we want security, then some is better than none. Security should be at least up there in terms of priority, and this kind of reliable data should be taken into account.
Yes Marcus was taking peoples security but with all that happened to him involving the DHS he went to extremes. What would you do if you were in the same scenario as him? Sit back and do nothing or go to extremes to get things done. The things Marcus are getting done are very controversial, but at least something is at least getting done.
It's not ethical because of the lives he's endangering and the fact that he's creating a possible dangerous situation. On the other hand, this security in "Little Brother" is somewhat false. This security isn't reliable and has been catching those who are abnormal, not necessarily dangerous. Therefore, I don't think that his interference has made San Fransico any more dangerous.
@Kate- I think that our government certainly does change the information that we are given. They hide things that I think that we should know. Half of the things that is wrong with our country is hidden from us so that we can still think of America as the unflawless perfect country that we were brought up thinking. Like John Mayer said in Waiting on the World to Change "When they own the information, well they can change it all they want" Enough said.
I don't think we think about the consequences of our actions at all. It's always a reaction, an impulse, with no thought going into the implications of what might become of our decision.
Mrs. Moritz, we are definately sheltered from the dangers and horrors of the outside world. Our country is so effective in keeping us safe that we don't have to worry about these things. That was the point: to make the country better for the next generation.
Very often we do not think of the consequences of our actions. Especially in our generation today. Teenagers just do do do and never really think or take into consideration what their actions can result in. I agree with Rhianna, sometimes I feel like we are very safe considering we live in the middle of the country. I think that the government has implanted the idea that "we are safe".
I think that Abby brings up a really good point. By messing up peoples data, he is makinig innocent people get caught for crimes they did not commit. And letting some bad guys get away with the crimes they commit. I also like what Mrs. Moritz just said. It can also put people in danger if they really need help. I think that in all messing with peoples data is wrong.
That mental security of thinking that nothing will happen to you it will always happen to other people, is this a manipulation we fall for from the government?
Security at airports doesn't catch thousands upon thousands of terrorists, but the presence of it there stops people from even trying. The illusion of power and security is the most important thing.
@Maraw- I agree with you and the idea of "False Security." It is just a mindset for people to believe they must act according to what the government labels as acceptable. When people like Marcus so easily glide through firewalls and other barriers who's to say that there aren't other people doing the same?
I agree with Joe. We are totally sheltered from what is going on out side of us. To tell you the truth I had no idea that there was a base in Colorado that is a pontential terror attack hot spot.
Marx said that religion is the opium of the people. I think that security has the same effect.. while it might not have any solid, material effect it can help people not be paranoid and completely unhappy. This can be a good thing, but it can also be taken too far. for example the spanish inquisition and the salem witch hunts are times when religion was taken too far to keep people "safe" and this could happen with security
It is often that people dont think through their actions. It is also true that people always live in false paradises. No one feels that they will be robed, it always happens to someone else. Just entering a car increases your chance of being killed. How sad would the world be if we just gave into this fear, we would never leave our house.
We don't really take the time to think about how much control the government has. In Little Brother he says a line out of the Declaration of Independence that seems nonexistant. Just like how speech was altered during World War Two.
When we talk about not being involved in terrorist attacks, we always know people who know other people that are involved. That effects an entire population. Individually, you will feel different but there is a looming feeling that everyone shares.
I disagree. I have connections to people who were in 911 and I still don't not feel safe. I think that I know it was a long time ago and security has increased so much, that I feel safe even though I'm not.
We do not live in the safest state. We live in the same state at the NORAD base. We have a big city. There are lots of reasons for Colorado to be targeted. I dont think that we should feel safe. I dont think that anyone should feel safe because we can be hurt. 9/11 happened. Peopls shoot other people. Our goverment can't protect us as much as we think.
Katie, I am saying that the fact that we are sheltered from the world is a good thing. Being sheltered from your own country is a bad thing. For generations within our country the ultimate goal was to make the country a better place for the next generation. The world is not keeping pace. We are given the oportinity the succeed in the world when many are not given the same chance.
I think that when people think of Colorado they think of the worst thing that has ever happened. When ever I tell anyone out of state I'm from Colorado, they automatically ask me about Columbine.
I completely disagree with Rihanna. Even though we're still young, we have enough of the right mind in order to determine what is going to happen to us. Granted, we may not always think about what we are doing, but our brain's are "well developed" enough to understand what will happen in the long run.
I think the fact that we have grown up during a time of war makes us more immuned to the violence around us. We're used to hearing about bombings and terrorist attacks around the world, so when it happens around us, it seems more expected than it would be in previous generations.
I agree that he is no better than a terrorist. He doesn't really seem to be helping and he is destroying people's lives. I would consider that terrorism. When he is messing with something big, like the whole city of San Fran.
Agreeing with Mrs. Moritz, what Marcus did was a big deal. Changing people's identity has a very large significance. The whole discussion we just heard of the terrorist attack of 9/11 and columbine is very eye opening and makes me realize that we really are not as safe and protected as we think we are. Also regarding the quote that Marcus said, he is a terrorist in a sense. Although he is trying to help people. he is causing terror to the people who fear what he is doing. It is very hard for people to grasp and appreciate what technology can do for us today and how powerful technology is. It scares them and does in fact cause them terror.
@CloeB- I agree that Colorado has many reasons to be a target but is there really anything WE could do about that? I believe that we cannot live in constant fear. We have to accept the security we have now, hope for the best, and move on. What more is there to do.
I think that we don't think about the consequences before we do anything. Even when we were little we didnt... Especcially when we were little. I remember my cousin always telling me to think twice before I did anything, I never understood. But now i see that before we need to do anything we need to think about the possible outcomes that come from it. And even today I make quick decisions that I end up regretting in the end.
We as teenagers definatly posses the ability to think long term. We make decisions every day which will effect our future and we put thought into those decisions.
Terrorists can be anyone who goes against the government. This would be a problem if not for the fact that the government reflects the people (hense the term "democracy"). Therefore, a terrorist is someone who is against the people.
His intentions maybe good but his actions are illegal. If someone robs a bank to give to charity the still are arested and tried because the break the law.
I disagree with Rheana. I don't think all terrorists aim to do something bad and cause terror. Some may actually think they are doing good, and helping.
I think the actions Marcus is taking, is like the poeple who's job it is to get weapons onto airplanes. I don't think he iis trying to cause people terror. He is trying to ind holes in the system. I think that if a High Schooler is able to get into the system, so could any terrorist.
@ Joe- How in the world is being sheltered a good thing? I don't know about you but I would certainly rather know that there was a killer in the school then just sit and wait unknowingly for my murderer...
I know when I do something, what the consequences will be. I know that I don't always take them seriously enough or really even take them into account, but I am fully aware what are the possible repercussions of my actions. Saying that we don't know what our consequences are ever is irrelevant because it is made up. Also Rheana the brain is done growing at age 12, another made up statement.
Spencer, I totally agree. Every descision I make is for my own future. The term "teenagers" is a very unfair generalisation. Many remain apathetic to life, but kids like me, even if we are the minority, do care about themselves and are able to make better descisions than some adults.
I agree with Reheana. We all say that "Man is created equal" but in reality people are not. There is still a stereotypical mindset where we feel overconfident about who we think we are. People are immediately stereotyped because of their looks and it is done subconsciously.
Katie, you misunderstood what I ment. I strongly believe in freedom of information. What I mean to say is that it is a good thing that our country is protected ("sheltered") from small pox and dictatorships.
Ever since the begginging of the U.S, It has always been the same. Everyone always expects the Black guy to be the crime doer. I have often caught myself automatically judgeing someone because of the color of their skin. In 8th grade we watched a movie about the minoritys and how there are stereotypes against them. They interviwed a couple of colored kids and they stated that people were more afraid of them. That when they would be walking down the street someone would switch the side of the street because they were afraid.
I fully agree with Katie. I was in downtown denver just this weekend and I found myself automatically judging and jumping to conclusions that african americans are not safe and the trouble makers. I resent the fact that the public, the media and even history have put the idea of rascism in our heads.
I do think that race and skin color does have something to do with whether or not that person recieves safety. Like Mrs. Moritz said, if a white police officer pulls over a black driver, who's to say that that person is feeling safe from that police officer, because of the discrimination that whites have had towards blacks in the past?
School used to be a privelege, but now its a chore we have to get through day to day. Weekends are like vacations to us. What does this say about our future generations and their outlooks towards school?
Mrs. Moritz, yes schools are unfair. But in my experience, it's not because of the color of my skin but rather the fact that I am a boy. I couldn't possibly care about my grades, right? I'm a guy! Oh those guys are just so stupid and don't know how the handle themselves.
School isnt fair no matter how hard one tries people will always be biases. Social experiences are important but that's not the only reason people come, some people like to learn and actually want a good future.
I think school can be unfair. But sometimes really depending on the teacher. Some teachers like to pick favorites and I have been in the favorite position and the not liked position. my fifth grade teacher did not like me. Everytime I would say anything she would repremand me and go against me. There was this one time that this girl had forgotten her homework, and she got her name up on the board and had to stay in for recess, but then another girl a little later told my teacher that she had forgotten the same home work, but she was told she had til monday to finish
I think the media sometimes twists around stories to say their side, but also the media just reports the news. There are people in the media that give their opinions. I think that terrorism inflicts terror. It's sole purpose is to create a panic. Marcus wasn't trying to cause terror, he was just trying to get back at the DHS for what they did to him. Race does have some influences on things, given the history of America, but a lot of other factors help people discriminate. A lot of people discriminate against age and gender. People discriminate on where you are from.
DO you think that like in Little Brother stories we hear on the news today are twisted and reversed?
ReplyDeleteI do not think it was ethical. He was messing with other peoples safety and it was wrong
ReplyDelete40% is better then 0%
ReplyDelete@Kate- I DEFINITELY think the media twists around what really happened. They only have one view or opinion and usually they make people believe that one thing reallly happened.
ReplyDeleteI think so, Kate. I think a lot of information gets mixed up and confused and it's hard to know. I think that is why some innocent people go to jail and some guilty can go on living their lives.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe it is ethical for him to do that. But it makes you wonder what is ethical and where the line is drawn. Is it ethical for the government to be able to control society like such through technology? If you are to compare what Marcus is doing to the overall use of technology, what he is doing is so small but could still make such a large difference.
ReplyDeleteKate, that depends on what side you're on. The DHS website is really clean and convincing. If you believe in this security, then you think this info is perfectly accuract. So the real question is, which side is the untwisted side?
ReplyDeleteHe was taking peoples security and it was wrong
ReplyDeleteI do think that our news stories are influeced by who is sharing them with the public. Their views will come across stronger than the views of opposing opinioins, which would alter the information being told. Some parts may be left out or possibly promoted. It's like the saying, history is written by who wins the war. It depends on who's telling the story and their point of view.
ReplyDeleteIt is not ethical for him to run around switching peoples informatnion. While he might not like what his government is doing he should find some legal ground to base his argument and not make life worse for everyone.
ReplyDeleteThe point of the Homeland Security is to protect the civilians, so I think it was unethical of Marcus to mess with it. Like Maria said, there actually could be a terroist and he just inhibited the government from finding it. He may think that it was the right thing to do but really he just put all of his friends and his fellow citezens safety in danger
ReplyDeletei think that things have to get worse to get better. it was unlikely that the government would catch a terrorist and if it screws up people's fake sense of security.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with Rheana. I think that messing up the data in the system can effect the likely hood of the goverment actually finding a terrorist. I also think that he is making a dumb dessicion by messing with the data. He knows what DHS can do so why would he try to get into more trouble?
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate what abby said... the truth in imforation is very Peeople may get exerpts of the truth, but finding the whole truth in any situation is hard to come by. People, anyone, including the government and the public can atler and change any infromation that they want us to know.
ReplyDeleteTroy, Skadoosh. That's the truth. If we want security, then some is better than none. Security should be at least up there in terms of priority, and this kind of reliable data should be taken into account.
ReplyDeleteYes Marcus was taking peoples security but with all that happened to him involving the DHS he went to extremes. What would you do if you were in the same scenario as him? Sit back and do nothing or go to extremes to get things done. The things Marcus are getting done are very controversial, but at least something is at least getting done.
ReplyDeleteIt's not ethical because of the lives he's endangering and the fact that he's creating a possible dangerous situation. On the other hand, this security in "Little Brother" is somewhat false. This security isn't reliable and has been catching those who are abnormal, not necessarily dangerous. Therefore, I don't think that his interference has made San Fransico any more dangerous.
ReplyDelete@Kate- I think that our government certainly does change the information that we are given. They hide things that I think that we should know. Half of the things that is wrong with our country is hidden from us so that we can still think of America as the unflawless perfect country that we were brought up thinking. Like John Mayer said in Waiting on the World to Change "When they own the information, well they can change it all they want" Enough said.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we think about the consequences of our actions at all. It's always a reaction, an impulse, with no thought going into the implications of what might become of our decision.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Moritz, we are definately sheltered from the dangers and horrors of the outside world. Our country is so effective in keeping us safe that we don't have to worry about these things. That was the point: to make the country better for the next generation.
ReplyDeleteVery often we do not think of the consequences of our actions. Especially in our generation today. Teenagers just do do do and never really think or take into consideration what their actions can result in. I agree with Rhianna, sometimes I feel like we are very safe considering we live in the middle of the country. I think that the government has implanted the idea that "we are safe".
ReplyDeleteI think that Abby brings up a really good point. By messing up peoples data, he is makinig innocent people get caught for crimes they did not commit. And letting some bad guys get away with the crimes they commit. I also like what Mrs. Moritz just said. It can also put people in danger if they really need help. I think that in all messing with peoples data is wrong.
ReplyDeleteThat mental security of thinking that nothing will happen to you it will always happen to other people, is this a manipulation we fall for from the government?
ReplyDeleteBut the secutrity aroung NORAD is HUDGE. That should make you feel safe.
ReplyDeleteSecurity at airports doesn't catch thousands upon thousands of terrorists, but the presence of it there stops people from even trying. The illusion of power and security is the most important thing.
ReplyDeleteA sense of false safety can lead to the downfall of a society. I think this can happen in the society of Little Brother.
ReplyDelete@Maraw- I agree with you and the idea of "False Security." It is just a mindset for people to believe they must act according to what the government labels as acceptable. When people like Marcus so easily glide through firewalls and other barriers who's to say that there aren't other people doing the same?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Joe. We are totally sheltered from what is going on out side of us. To tell you the truth I had no idea that there was a base in Colorado that is a pontential terror attack hot spot.
ReplyDeleteMarx said that religion is the opium of the people. I think that security has the same effect.. while it might not have any solid, material effect it can help people not be paranoid and completely unhappy. This can be a good thing, but it can also be taken too far. for example the spanish inquisition and the salem witch hunts are times when religion was taken too far to keep people "safe" and this could happen with security
ReplyDeleteIt is often that people dont think through their actions. It is also true that people always live in false paradises. No one feels that they will be robed, it always happens to someone else. Just entering a car increases your chance of being killed. How sad would the world be if we just gave into this fear, we would never leave our house.
ReplyDeleteWe don't really take the time to think about how much control the government has. In Little Brother he says a line out of the Declaration of Independence that seems nonexistant. Just like how speech was altered during World War Two.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Rheana. I don't have any relation to any attacks on the united states. The government makes me feel safe, so naturally, I do.
ReplyDeleteWhen we talk about not being involved in terrorist attacks, we always know people who know other people that are involved. That effects an entire population. Individually, you will feel different but there is a looming feeling that everyone shares.
ReplyDeleteI disagree. I have connections to people who were in 911 and I still don't not feel safe. I think that I know it was a long time ago and security has increased so much, that I feel safe even though I'm not.
ReplyDeleteWe do not live in the safest state. We live in the same state at the NORAD base. We have a big city. There are lots of reasons for Colorado to be targeted. I dont think that we should feel safe. I dont think that anyone should feel safe because we can be hurt. 9/11 happened. Peopls shoot other people. Our goverment can't protect us as much as we think.
ReplyDeleteKatie, I am saying that the fact that we are sheltered from the world is a good thing. Being sheltered from your own country is a bad thing. For generations within our country the ultimate goal was to make the country a better place for the next generation. The world is not keeping pace. We are given the oportinity the succeed in the world when many are not given the same chance.
ReplyDeleteMarcus's actions caused so much chaos in the city and this just shows how far someone will go to get revenge.
ReplyDeleteI think that when people think of Colorado they think of the worst thing that has ever happened. When ever I tell anyone out of state I'm from Colorado, they automatically ask me about Columbine.
ReplyDeleteTeenagers aren't the best at long term judgements and we tend to stop thinking after a little bit.
ReplyDeleteI completely disagree with Rihanna. Even though we're still young, we have enough of the right mind in order to determine what is going to happen to us. Granted, we may not always think about what we are doing, but our brain's are "well developed" enough to understand what will happen in the long run.
ReplyDeleteI think the fact that we have grown up during a time of war makes us more immuned to the violence around us. We're used to hearing about bombings and terrorist attacks around the world, so when it happens around us, it seems more expected than it would be in previous generations.
ReplyDeletemarcus didnt like having to mess up peoples information, but it was the only way that he could take down NHS
ReplyDeleteI agree that he is no better than a terrorist. He doesn't really seem to be helping and he is destroying people's lives. I would consider that terrorism. When he is messing with something big, like the whole city of San Fran.
ReplyDeleteAgreeing with Mrs. Moritz, what Marcus did was a big deal. Changing people's identity has a very large significance. The whole discussion we just heard of the terrorist attack of 9/11 and columbine is very eye opening and makes me realize that we really are not as safe and protected as we think we are. Also regarding the quote that Marcus said, he is a terrorist in a sense. Although he is trying to help people. he is causing terror to the people who fear what he is doing. It is very hard for people to grasp and appreciate what technology can do for us today and how powerful technology is. It scares them and does in fact cause them terror.
ReplyDelete@CloeB- I agree that Colorado has many reasons to be a target but is there really anything WE could do about that? I believe that we cannot live in constant fear. We have to accept the security we have now, hope for the best, and move on. What more is there to do.
ReplyDeleteI think that we don't think about the consequences before we do anything. Even when we were little we didnt... Especcially when we were little. I remember my cousin always telling me to think twice before I did anything, I never understood. But now i see that before we need to do anything we need to think about the possible outcomes that come from it. And even today I make quick decisions that I end up regretting in the end.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe Marcus is a terrorist because he has different intentions. He is causing terror in order to create order.
ReplyDeleteWe as teenagers definatly posses the ability to think long term. We make decisions every day which will effect our future and we put thought into those decisions.
ReplyDeleteMarcus wasn't really trying to scare people he was trying to make them really more aware.
ReplyDeleteTerrorists can be anyone who goes against the government. This would be a problem if not for the fact that the government reflects the people (hense the term "democracy"). Therefore, a terrorist is someone who is against the people.
ReplyDeleteHis intentions maybe good but his actions are illegal. If someone robs a bank to give to charity the still are arested and tried because the break the law.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with Rheana. I don't think all terrorists aim to do something bad and cause terror. Some may actually think they are doing good, and helping.
ReplyDeleteMarcus is not a terrorist because he doesn't want to intentionally harm the people around him. He's trying to preserve his free nation.
ReplyDeleteI think the actions Marcus is taking, is like the poeple who's job it is to get weapons onto airplanes. I don't think he iis trying to cause people terror. He is trying to ind holes in the system. I think that if a High Schooler is able to get into the system, so could any terrorist.
ReplyDeleteMarcus is creating terror and anger. Marcus is using cyber violence, in order to affect politics. That is terrorism.
ReplyDelete@ Joe- How in the world is being sheltered a good thing? I don't know about you but I would certainly rather know that there was a killer in the school then just sit and wait unknowingly for my murderer...
ReplyDeleteI know when I do something, what the consequences will be. I know that I don't always take them seriously enough or really even take them into account, but I am fully aware what are the possible repercussions of my actions. Saying that we don't know what our consequences are ever is irrelevant because it is made up. Also Rheana the brain is done growing at age 12, another made up statement.
ReplyDeleteThere is a difference between fear and terror. Terror is extreme fear and craziness and fear is just being scared.
ReplyDeleteSpencer, I totally agree. Every descision I make is for my own future. The term "teenagers" is a very unfair generalisation. Many remain apathetic to life, but kids like me, even if we are the minority, do care about themselves and are able to make better descisions than some adults.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Reheana. We all say that "Man is created equal" but in reality people are not. There is still a stereotypical mindset where we feel overconfident about who we think we are. People are immediately stereotyped because of their looks and it is done subconsciously.
ReplyDeleteKatie, you misunderstood what I ment. I strongly believe in freedom of information. What I mean to say is that it is a good thing that our country is protected ("sheltered") from small pox and dictatorships.
ReplyDeleteRheana, Germany isn't even ranked in the top 10 populous countries in the world. Unfortunately, not everyone is German.
ReplyDeleteEver since the begginging of the U.S, It has always been the same. Everyone always expects the Black guy to be the crime doer. I have often caught myself automatically judgeing someone because of the color of their skin. In 8th grade we watched a movie about the minoritys and how there are stereotypes against them. They interviwed a couple of colored kids and they stated that people were more afraid of them. That when they would be walking down the street someone would switch the side of the street because they were afraid.
ReplyDeleteYes there were German internment camps! A certain percentage of the Germans supported the third Reich, and others were very patriotic towards America.
ReplyDeleteI think people discriminate because they are scared and they don't understand the other cultures. Its discrimination and stereotyping.
ReplyDeleteBeing raciest to minorities fuels to fire for them to be raciest to others. Almost like it justifiable.
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with Katie. I was in downtown denver just this weekend and I found myself automatically judging and jumping to conclusions that african americans are not safe and the trouble makers. I resent the fact that the public, the media and even history have put the idea of rascism in our heads.
ReplyDeleteI do think that race and skin color does have something to do with whether or not that person recieves safety. Like Mrs. Moritz said, if a white police officer pulls over a black driver, who's to say that that person is feeling safe from that police officer, because of the discrimination that whites have had towards blacks in the past?
ReplyDeleteSchool used to be a privelege, but now its a chore we have to get through day to day. Weekends are like vacations to us. What does this say about our future generations and their outlooks towards school?
ReplyDeleteMrs. Moritz, yes schools are unfair. But in my experience, it's not because of the color of my skin but rather the fact that I am a boy. I couldn't possibly care about my grades, right? I'm a guy! Oh those guys are just so stupid and don't know how the handle themselves.
ReplyDeleteSchool isnt fair no matter how hard one tries people will always be biases. Social experiences are important but that's not the only reason people come, some people like to learn and actually want a good future.
ReplyDeleteI think school can be unfair. But sometimes really depending on the teacher. Some teachers like to pick favorites and I have been in the favorite position and the not liked position. my fifth grade teacher did not like me. Everytime I would say anything she would repremand me and go against me. There was this one time that this girl had forgotten her homework, and she got her name up on the board and had to stay in for recess, but then another girl a little later told my teacher that she had forgotten the same home work, but she was told she had til monday to finish
ReplyDeleteRace has a very slight influence on things. This day in age most people are accepting and willing to give no matter the race
ReplyDeleteI think the media sometimes twists around stories to say their side, but also the media just reports the news. There are people in the media that give their opinions.
ReplyDeleteI think that terrorism inflicts terror. It's sole purpose is to create a panic. Marcus wasn't trying to cause terror, he was just trying to get back at the DHS for what they did to him.
Race does have some influences on things, given the history of America, but a lot of other factors help people discriminate. A lot of people discriminate against age and gender. People discriminate on where you are from.