Friday, January 28, 2011

Little Brother 13-17 Liveblog/Fishbowl Discussion Per. 4


  1. Why would you trust someone who contacted you over the internet?

  2. Masha seems like she could be prety legit, but do you think it really is just a trap and Marcus is going to get busted?

  3. @Garrett, because he thinks that she's not actually from the DHS and that she's just another Xnetter that needs help.

  4. Decide that they were a petifile and never talk to them again if they were a new person

  5. Masha seems to ba a false temptation for Marcus, but he doesn't really have a choice to stay free -- He just has to try this and see if it works.

  6. Garrett, I think that if you were in a time of stress and anexity you would be willing to do anything to change the future you think is going to happen, and in Marcus' case it's that the DHS will eventually catch him.

  7. I wouldn't. Especially in Marcus' shoes. There is no way to know for sure who's side they are on. The video isn't nearly enough evidence in my opinion.

  8. Fear makes people want to follow the people that have a plan and seem to have at least some things under control. And, the DHS has a plan to make the people follow them.

  9. Masha seems to be Obrian, trustworthy at first but maybe not

  10. Maybe Marcus just thinks he's out of options. He knows he's going to get busted anyways so he feels like he has nothing to loose.

  11. @garret

    He trusts her because she has the incrypted codes from his inside group - She is not just a random person Marcus met online.

  12. I agree with Zach. With all of the power the DHS has couldn't Martha just get the video and show it on the Internet to try to catch him.

  13. @Moritz Well he would be a really good double agent.

  14. @Rebecca, I think Masha is a false temptation for him but I also think Marcus is going to be caught no matter what, so at this point I don't think he can do -- or not do -- something that would help him.

  15. Is Marsha goingto be the other side of julia? Because obiously this Ange or whatever is the loving sex part of julia but there is no suspicion about her she seems totally invested mabye this Marsha is like the suspiscious half of Julia.

  16. If Zeb is a part of the DHS, then obviously it is a set up. In a literal sense there really can't be any point of having Zeb in the story if he doesn't have a point; somewhere along the way he has to have some sort of impact.

  17. @Mrs. Moritz he would be a really good idea becasue he comes to marcus with a bieliveable story and information on Darryl

  18. It doesn't really matter whether or not Zeb is telling the truth. The point is that Marcus has now decided to act because he thinks that Zeb is telling the truth...

  19. I agree with Hannah, I think that Masha represents O'Brien. However, the question would be whether she is in the same position as O'Brien was. Is she truly on Marcus's side?

  20. What connection, at this point, can you make between Little Brother and 1984?

  21. He got mad because m1k3y is his computer name and if they traced it back to him he would get caught.

  22. @rebecca: What do you mean by "false temptation"?

  23. I think that Masha relates to O'Brien, in the way that they trust him as a person in the gov who is trying to sabatoge it, when he's really not

  24. Marucs was upset because he felt violated and he knew that if she could figure him out then others could too. Plus this name represented a different person other than himself,Marcus being the one who was close to Ange.

  25. Zeb would be like the old guy who rented them the room looking like an innocent old man but really working for the gov.

  26. If I was in this situation, it would be hard to trust anyone. Why does Marcus not have big suspecions on everything?
    Anyone could be working for the DHS

  27. @Moritz, you can make the connection that, obviously, the government it messed up and there isn't much privacy anymore and the main character is part of, or is trying to, start a revolution.

  28. @Moritz, I don't think he is working for DHS. I don't see a point in making a fake story and note to make Marcus tell the story of jail, it just doesn't seem like it would be helpful to the DHS.

  29. @Moritz-There was the initial interrogation, the surveilance, the fear, government power, and Ange.

  30. 1984 could be where this is headed. Winston was trying to get around the rules of a society to be himself. So is Marcus. They are both trying to be individuals. The difference is that Marcus' world seems much closer to reality....

  31. @Moritz: Other than the obvious connections like Emma Golding and Emanuel Goldstien, there are connections that Marcus and Ange, like Julia and Winston, have some sort of connection that brings them together. In Little Brother, it is the Xnet, and in 1984 it is The Brotherhood.

  32. @HannahB, I think he does, but he's trying to push the limits and do all that he can to stop the DHS without getting exposed.

  33. Could the DHS bombing the bridge be a trap to test everyone in society?

  34. Question: In what ways is Little Brother similar to 1984 so far?

  35. The difference between this and 1984 is that, while in 1984 Winston fights in similars ways, Marcus is fighting it before it is in place and accepted. He is the Emmanuel goldstein almost while being Winston.

  36. @Rebacca in this book there is a cause to set the stage that is beiliveable

  37. If the DHS really did blow up the bridge then it would have to have been a very well thought out operation that had only some people in on it so there are less people that could give away the plans or try to stop the operation.

  38. @Jack--I don't really see Ange as Julia's foil character. Yes, she is having sex with Marcus, but that is not her way of rebellion. She is absolutely on board with Marcus and their priorities seem a lot different than Winston and Julia's. Maybe Masha is supposed to represent Julia, but I think that is a stretch.

  39. @michaela - As in it is not necesarily something that will end up working, but it is something he desperately wants to have and has to take...

  40. The thought that the DHS blew up the bridge reminds me directly of 1984. There was so much thought and consideration about whether Goldstein was a make believe figure of the Party and whether the war was a method of creating fear. What if it is the same type of situation?

  41. Little Brother so far shares rebellion and a partner in crime who shares a personal and sexual relationship. I think that Marcus will be caught again and undergo something similar to the torture in 1984, but other than that the two aren't really the same.

  42. Is the governmen in this book worse than in 1984? It seems to me that in 1984 people were drunk and didn't really realize what was happening. In this book though, people fully support what is happening. Like Ben Franklin implied, people shouldn't give up freedom for safety and that is exactly what is happening.

  43. I think that because of this one terrorist attack our the American government had suddenly switced from a democray (government of the people) to a totalitarianistic government. Freedom is limited and the DHS is starting to take total control.

  44. @Haley, Obviously Marcus and Ange-Julia and Winston, Masha-O'Brien, Xnet-Brotherhood

  45. The airport pat downs can make people feel safe but I think that most people are thinking that it is a waste of time because they aren't a terrorist. With the pat downs in place did they even catch anyone?

  46. @ Moritz-I disagree, in 1984 the government has placed restrictions on sex. You should like it and should barely have it. But this is modern America, like you said yesterday we are O.K. with sex. so i think that her being on board is her way of rebeling.

  47. Like Mark said, the world can make rash decisions when trageties occur. Compare the securties of our airports before and after 9/11. What else could happen if we had another attack? This is what Cory Doctrow is warning us of.

  48. Sure, I want the government to crack down on security if a terrorist attack happened but I think their is a fine line between protection and complete control.

  49. @ Daniel i think you are right on that because the people in little bro were just thrust into this society not led into it

  50. @haleyb, in both books, one main charecter thinks he can stop a power that is bigger than him.

  51. I think that Ange is one way in which LB is related to 1984. Although both Julia and Ange are involved in the plan that the main characters, Winston and Marcus, have thought up, there is also the aspect of having an escape and having fun. With an escape, with pleasure, it seems that there is a greater chance of succeeding in the long run.

  52. I feel that although our security might not be that effective, it does scare away a lot of people who might try to attack America. So it does make it safer.

  53. @daniel

    I think that the government in 1984 seems better on the outside beacuse there is no rebellion and most of the citizens comply, but this government is a better because it lets people live in a society where they are happy and can be themselves, even if they are living in a "fool's paradise"

  54. @Sydney, but in 1984, it seemed like the Brotherhood didn't really exist because O'Brien gave it to him as a trap so is the Xnet really like the Brotherhood because the Xnet seems real and somewhat safe.

  55. It is also similar in a wierd way, Marcus is tortured in the beginning of the story while Winston was tortured at the end of it.

  56. I think that the new security is more of mental assurance that a great new tool. But, it probably does keep people from doing anything too dumb.

  57. There needs to be a balace of safety and freedom. I honestly do not see too much of a problem with the scanners. They help prevent taking weapons on a plane while not personally invading your privacy.

  58. Hoe would you make security better without bothering people??

  59. I think the objectives between Julia and Winston are way different than those of Marcus and Ange. Julia and Winston just wanted to rebel and go against the government, whereas Marcus and Ange are trying to change the government back to how it was. I don't think Winston and Julia relate as a whole to Marcus and Ange.

  60. Mark said that you have give up rigts to be safe but idont think so there are ther ways

  61. Right Jack, but Ange is not the passive "I want to be pretty" like girl Julia was. She is actively involved in the rebellion with Marcus.

  62. To sum up the theme of this book, liberty must always come first or human rights will be nonexistent.

  63. When the government decides to track and in ways spy on every person, that isn't making us more safe. Like we see in this book, it makes people want to rebel even more. The intent on catching terrorists is a good thing, but this government has gone too far. It is also a waste of money and resources to watch every single person.

  64. In the begining of Chapeter 13, Marcus and his history teacher argue about whether or not The Constitution supports what the DHS is doing.
    Does it?
    Does it support Marcus?

  65. @Zach, the scanners are pretty much machines that allow the workers to see you naked, is that not invading your privacy?

  66. I think the thought of any possibility of continuing to possess your rights and at the same time live in safety. In truth, it's a difficult situation. The question would be, would one rather enjoy themselves and their rights and know that anything could happen to them with a lack in security? Or would one rather give their rights to keep safe. But what is life without personal freedoms, and what is life without any fear at all?

  67. This reminds me of the quote from Macbeth "fair is foul and foul is fair", because although it seems like the government is doing something good by having this crazy security system, its actually making people even more scared.

  68. @Kelsie-Yes, but in the context of them being in another room, you being anonymous, and all they see is a blue 3D figure, I think it is less invasive than a thorough pat down...

  69. @Kelsie, I guess youre right but it's the idea of each one that is similar in each book. They show the rebellion being created

  70. @Rebecca, The constitution obviously supports Marcus, not the actions of the government. It says the government should be changed if the people feel it needs to be, which is what Marcus is trying to do.

  71. But if we made a robot army then I Robot or Terminator would happen. (maybe)

  72. I agree, but that was the point Orwell was trying to make and I think it different from the point Cory is tring to make at, they are different storys but i think you can find a parrlell for each character in Little brother for 1984. I think that Ange, while being activly involved is more involved becasue Marcus is so dedicated then out of purely personal feelings.

  73. I think part of the security at places like airports, is also ment to scare people. If i was carrying a bomb i wouldnt want to go through all the metal detecters

  74. What is Darryl is fine? What if he is living his life somewhere? Would that be something that the DHS would do in order to instill the gravity of the situation?

  75. @Zach, that's a good point. I didn't know that they were in a different room.

  76. @ garrett ya the technology it would take could be manipulated like the xboxes for the net

  77. @abbie I think that the Constitution is on his side but not the hacking and some of the illegal internet that he uses. With that being said the Constitution is not on the DHS's side either

  78. In one conversation between Marcus and his father, Marcus has an outburst that "It's an invasion of my privacy". After reading a decent ammount of this book, we all know that the goverment, in some way, tries to scare us into believeing what they want us to believe. On Fox news they had a one sided argument. The thing that scares me, however, is the fact that how can we know if we are being tricked into believing only one side of an arugment we dont even know about? Most people are clueless about this governement and their true effectiveness and tactics, so are we in the dark? As marcus would say, are we fools of paradise?

  79. But why would the Government let that happen? If they were trying to get the country unified behind the War on Terror they failed miserably.

  80. What would that do for the country and or it's leaders though? nothing other than make them look stupid. they should have stopped it and made it close then tell public what could have happened.

  81. @Hannah, Thats a good point. I think it supports Marcus' ideas more than the DHS but i also agree that he is doing things he shouldn't be doing.

  82. I don't think we are actually that selfish. I think that perhaps our instincts are selfish but isn't what seperates us from animals is that we can not follow our instincts and do what is right. Of course we don't want to die, but a lot of people are willing to die for those they love which is very unselfish.

  83. @Natalie S, I think that ia something the DHS would do. Look how far they have gone with teverything else.

    Does the DHS have bounderies?

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. @Jack, I absolutly agree, they are both making different points, while keeping a loose general idea the same through the story.

  86. @ garrett at the beginning they were behind it just more recently there has become a division

  87. It's like in that Movie, Up In the Air, he says to never get behind Arabic people in the security line because they get searched longer and have more red flags on them.

  88. I think that teacher is very important to the book as a symbol to what the DHS is trying to accomplish. If the dhs could control younger minds, then the next generetion would be understanding of the society, and the generation after that, and so on. Everything they want would be accomplished in order to shape society in time, creating a "perfect" world. So if the dhs really bombed the bridge, this is one way that they are gaining power and control.

  89. @Moritz-I know. It's no where near a perfect system. All I am saying is that I would rather be scanned for a few seconds than have a security guard pat me down.

  90. Russia's communism and totalitariism started by a group of perople saying that what they were doing was the best and most right thing. Is this what the dhs is doing, but using safety and law to gain power over others?

  91. i agree with zach i would have a scan than a patdown

  92. Ange actually cares about Marcus where as in 1984 it was hard to tell if Julia was really in it for Winston.

  93. As much as what Marcus's new history teacher was presenting the side of the government and justifying their actions, I think that this was good for Marcus because you need to have your assumptions challenged, and that is exactly what she was doing, even if it was for the wrong reason. I bet that several people in this room have had a teacher who challenged their assumptins by playing the "devil's advocate".
    Is that a bad thing, or is it something that is necesary sometimes?


    this is the link to a picture of the scan of a women with a gun

  95. I think that the sex is not needed in the book. I think that the author just puts it in there to be like 1984.

  96. I think Julia and Ange are very different. Julia seemed much less truly involved in the rebeling. She seemed bored, when Winston was reading her the book. Their rebeling, was through sex. Marcus and Ange had a relationship BEFORE they had sex. Even when they were about to, they had to stop to get on the X-net. They are truly commited. Julia also made clear that she was much more experienced, while Ange had an unopened box of condoms in her bedside table, symblizing that she was still a virgin. It means much more to Marcus and Ange, then it did to Julia and Winston.

  97. If these conspiraces about whetehr the government is involved with all these events to cause fear, gain power, and corrupt their jobs, it's a horrible thought. If this was true - in LB, in 1984, even in real life - it would just show the great possibility that governments will do whatever it takes - even taking lives, to gain power. What if this happened in our country? It wouldn't seem very democratic.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Marcus says "I've always loved just learning stuff for its own sake. Just to be smarter about the world around me". Do you agree with this statement? If so, why are you here???

  100. @Daniel- I felt the same way. It seems to me that it doesn't really pertain to the theme other than to reinforce their attraction to each other.

  101. Moritz - do you mean why are we on this earth as human beings?

  102. @Natalie, it could possibly happen in our country because it seems that once you have power, you hunger for more. I think that's what happened to the societies in this book, too many people became power hungry.

  103. Yes I agree with the statement. Would you rather be uneducated or smart with the self assurance that you know more than the next guy? Honestly, it's a good, nice thing to realize that you are not equal, and that you may know more than the person sitting next to you.

  104. @ Mrs. Moritz im here because i have to be but i kind of agree with that statement

  105. I disagree with Megan... living without joy, rights, yourself... there's no way it would be worth it.

  106. Why woiuld you want to give up everything just to exsist, not even live.

  107. @Moritz, I do agree. I think it's important to be aware of the things going on around you. I honestly have no idea why I'm here, but I do know that everyone's going to change someone else's life -- hopefully for the better -- and it's important to be aware of how you're effecting people.

  108. What is life without freedom?
    Would you want freedom over life?

  109. The life in 451 is better than in 1984 because you are not being watched by a telescreen

  110. I understand what Megans saying I would probably say anything to keep my life even if it meant givig up my freedoms. I would be so scared of dying I wouldn't even be thinking I would just be scared to die and I'm pretty sure I would lose all my courage.

  111. I personally don't think i could ever get pushed or scared to the point that i would give up my freedom or libertly. Like Ben Franklin said, if you give up freedom for temporary safety, you never deserved it in the first place. Life without liberty is not a life that i would want to live.

  112. @Garrett, it almost seems like the same situation as if you had a life threatening disease. If you knew you were going to die, would you want to right then and there or would you want to live out the rest of your life as much as you can, even in sickness?

  113. Moritz: School is sterotyped into being boring and unenjoyable. But we are all here, and no matter how stubborn you are you learn SOMETHING. It just depends on the determination that you have, and whether or not you want to make a life for yourself.

  114. Thinking back to the CSAP worksheet, Mrs. Bush talked about a paint by numbers life. Are the average people in Little Brother and 1984 living a paint by numbers life?

  115. I agree with the statement I believe. Personally, every time I am faced with something new, I want to know about it. I am not a huge fan of History - but I want to know about it. I feel that I think the same as Marcus in this sense - I always want to know about the world. But it's so overwhelming, it's a problem.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. I definetly agree with this statement, but just because you like learing stuff for its own sake doesn't mean you can't enjoy going to school as well. Coming to school lets you learn things that you may not have been interested in beforehand, and helps you to learn things that aren't necesarily facts (like how to deal with other people). It helps you learn more because your teachers and the people around you challenge you to learn more than you would have otherwise.

    I don't go to school just to be able to move on with my life, but to live my life.

  118. I think that there are some major similarities and differences between 1984 and Little Brother. I think that Little Brother is the starting society of what could become the society of 1984. In 1984 there are almost no people rebelling because they don't know anything different, in Little Brother everyone know what they used to have and they are fighting to keep it.

  119. I think that sometimes people get distracted by the homework and tests in school. I don't think that the teachers that do give alot of work are doing it so we can get irritated and quit. The goal is to get knowledge and get a desire to keep learning about the world and others. If kids didn't have to do work, there would always be kids that wouldn't even come to school but I also think there is kids like Marcus that would stay at school just to learn, not to get a good grade.

  120. I personally would never want to give up all the freedoms I have and I'm sure after living a life like Winston or Marcus I would fight for them. However, we live in a world where we are not afraid of people trying to hurt us everyday. We haven;t experienced true terror like some people. I know that keeping our freedoms is important but if we were put in a terryifing situation, maybe our thoughts would change in order for us to feel safe.

  121. I also think another difference betweeen 1984 and Little Brother is the relationships. We see love and honesty and not just sex and a blank life. Even when Marcus is telling his mom about eveything she is so shocked and his father is so angry that they hurt his son and Darryls father is almost to the point of not living because he lost his son. In 1984 there was no such thing as a real loving relationship, if the DHS keeps doing what it is though, I think people will stop these relationships in order to be "safe". Safe from terroists or the DHS?

  122. I also think that is foolish for Marcus to trust Masha, what does he have to trust now? After everything that has gone on I think that he has to be very careful. He cant change anything if he is jail. I also think that Neb is kind of weird. I know that he has had a small part but so did Mr. Charrington in 1984 and he was the reason that Winston and Julie lost everything. Marcus has a lot to lose, his family, ange, his freedoms and his technology he needs to be careful or it could all be taken away.
