Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How is Your Brain? Per. 4

After completing the Examining Your Brain quiz, look at your results and reflect on what you learned. Be sure you post your percentages with your response.


  1. My results were 32% Left brain and 68% Right brain. I think these results are pretty accurate. I am more of a creative person, than a mathmatical person. My most dominate characteristic is Random. Any one that knows me, knows that is true. My least dominate characteristics were nonverbal and symbolic.

    Over all, I think this test was accurate for me.

  2. Results: 61% Right, 31% Left. I agree with this outcome and expected a result in me being right-brained because I understand the aspects of being right-brained and think they apply to me better than those of the left brain. I have an interest in the creative sides of things. My strongest suit in my right brain is concrete, and left brain reality-based. I have a 0% in verbal for my left brain - this does not surprise me at all because I am a very visual learner and do not prefer verbal directions becuase I am most likely not listening and imagining something off in my own world.

  3. I was a little surprised by my results. I am pretty much down the middle with 52% left and 48% right brained. I read through the descriptions of each category and I noticed that some things contradicted each other. For example, in one paragraph it said I was more likely to process information by memorizing it, but later in the right brain category, it said I had troubles memorizing things. I know I have trouble with memorizing. It was really interesting to read about myself and see what things were right and what was wrong.

  4. My results were that i was 31% Left brained, and 69% right brained. I wasn't that surprised because i knew that i was much more right brained, and left brained things are not usually my strong suit. My strengths are linear and random thinking, while my weaknesses are sequential and concrete thinking. My results described how i use 'feeling and intuition to solve my problems'. I agree with this because i usually use my "gut feeling" when solving problems, rather than a more thought provoking process. They also stated that i am usually absentminded which i agree with.

  5. After taking the Examining Your Brain quiz I came out as:

    46% Left Brain
    54% Right Brain

    I agree with what it said because I am in the middle, however, I do tend to lean more to the creative side. I am very creative and abstract in my thinking, and tend to get off topic or make work into play as a right-brainer would. But on the other side of the spectrum, I still enjoy having some form of structure and order among my life to prevent confusion. So I agree with the test because it shows I have both right and left brain characteristics.

  6. I was a little surprised at my results. My percentges were 50% left and 51% right. I had assumed that I would be near the middle, but more on the left than right. The subcategory percents seemed correct at first, but after reading what they meant, seemed off. I got a 0% in the symbolism section, but this says that that means numbers, which is not true. Some of the analysis parts were also wrong. Many points contradict one another, which makes me wonder at their accuracy. In the end, though, it was close, saying that I was near the middle.

  7. My percentages are 78% left brained and 22% right brained. My results are not at all surprising to me given my interest in math and science. I have always been a very logical person, even when I was little. I am practically unable to use my imagination and I detest reading fiction and fantasy. Often times being so literal can be difficult in English. It is a struggle for me to think outside the box or divert from a planned course. My least favorite thing about writing is the fact that unlike math or science, there isn't a well defined answer.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My brain percentages are 41% left brain and 59% right brain. I think that this these are very accurate percentages of my brain. I am very creative and I tend to think more about art, dancing and music then school related topics. However, I really enjoy math and when I do think about school, it's usually math and solving problems that don't need to be solved but I solve them for fun anyways. My left brain is 58% Linear thinking which means I like to think about things in an order that makes sense and analyze each category until moving onto the next one. I do think that I do this. I like to know all about one thing to make sure I understand it before taking on another topic. My most dominant right brain thinking is 64% concrete which means that just knowing something isn't satisfying, but I need to know why something is what it is. This is especially true for me in math. When we learn a function to solve a problem, I want to know why is works the way it does and not just that it works. Overall, I think that my brain analysis is correct at 41% left and 59% right brain dominant.

  10. I was 57% left and 43% right. The percentages that were shown in relation to left brain or right brain did not suprise me becasue I think that I am a very sraight foreward person. The sub catagories in left were a little different than I expected but were sill pretty close in order. I thought that logic would have been higher than it was but it was still a decent percent. I like things to be structured and straight foreward so I was definetly not supprised with the results

  11. Right Brain: 54%
    Left Brain: 46%

    As an artistic creative person I was not surprised that I am right-brained. I enjoy drawing and have been drawing since I was young. I've been in plays and I also love listening to music. I also remember material better when pictures are involved. As shown in my left-Brain percentages, I got 0% in the verbal category. I notice that when teachers give verbal lectures without a picture associated with it, I have a hard time remembering the information. It is also hard for me to pay attention when I am not involved in the lesson. Sometimes my mind tends to wander so I am not surprised that random was my second highest percentage in the right-brained thinking category. Participation is key to me when learning and remembering a lesson. Although I am a right brained thinker, I excel in math and science, but not as much in English. I have a hard time writing so solving problems comes easier to me. Overall, I am not very surprised by my results.

  12. My results were:

    40% left brain
    60% right brain

    I agree because I focus better when I am drawing or writing, it helps me listen and focus on the words. But I still can be very logical and reality based. But I find that I mostly think of the best thing possible so I agree with my results.

  13. Results: 54% Right, and 46% Left. I think that these results are very accurate for me. I am very creative and funny but at the same time I am very logical when I need to be.

  14. My final results were 44% left brained and 56% right brained. According to the least and most dominate charasterics, I am most dominate in Linear and Random, and least dominate in Logical and Concrete. I can agree in these results. I do agree that I am right brained. The test made me more comfortable in describing who I am, and I agree.

    Left Brain Right Brain
    44% 56%

    Your left brain/right brain percentage was calculated by combining the individual scores of each half's sub-categories. They are as follows:
    Your Left Brain Percentages
    53% Linear (Your most dominant characteristic)

    44% Sequential

    34% Reality-based

    25% Symbolic

    14% Verbal

    5% Logical (Your least dominant characteristic)

    Your Right Brain Percentages
    50% Random (Your most dominant characteristic)

    50% Nonverbal

    36% Fantasy-oriented

    30% Holistic

    24% Intuitive

    19% Concrete (Your least dominant characteristic)

  15. I was not surprised that I was left brained. When I got my results, it said that I was 54% left brained and 46% right brained. According to the results, I need to work on being more logical and intuitive. These results do surprise me, because they contridict eachother. In the logical analysis, it says that I do not depend on my "gut" feeling to make desicions, however in the intuitive analysis it says that I do rely on my "gut" feeling to make desicions. I think that I tend to make desicions randomly. The results said that I was a linear thinker, which is also true, because I stick to the same track and tend not to stray from it. It also says that I have concrete processing which is true because usually when doing a math problem, I need to draw out the problem and actually picture it in my head before solving it. The verbal part of the analysis is also very true. It says that I use landmarks such as resuraunts or trees to tell directions. Overall, I think this analysis is pretty accurate.

  16. The calculated percentage amount used in each part of my brain came to 37% left-brained and 63% right-brained, showing that my mind is set more emotionally, artistically, and impulsively than the contrasting personality of the left-brain. I think that this reflects who I am as I love drawing and creating new ideas, and even love more putting these ideas into reality. Additionally, I think that the recomended proffesions and selected thought-proccesses are going to play into my future, my dream carreer being an architect and/or graphic designer. Having a right-sided brain will be vital in preforming well in both of these jobs and will hopefully lead to a successful future in one or both of these choices.

  17. My percentages were 56% left brained and 44% right brained. I've taken a similar test before, in 7th grade, and got similar results: middle brained. I really want to be considered middle brained. There are values belonging to each side that are very important to me, like organization on the left and imagination on the right. I hope I'm not considered to be a math/numbers person, because I really feel that I'm not. Yes, I'm organized and prefer to have information and directions, but I am actually quite crazy. I was frustrated with the occupations that the results said that I would likely become, because not one of them, or anything like them, is what I want to do. And I am set on doing what I want to do. The percentages make sense to me, though. I have also taken a personality test where the results are the number of your personality type. There were also similar results - I'm logical and think through things and think in the present, etc. But also thinking about myself I'm pretty creative and wacky in ways. I like the balance. For example, I really like Biology and things like that, but I really really like literature, reading, and writing... fiction. I really love Shakespeare too. But I love a level of neatness in this as well. I am content with my results. They make sense I think.

  18. I was not suprised that I had a higher left brian percentage than a right brain percentage. However, I was suprised that the right brianed thinking percentage was relativley close. It was only 9% off of 50%.(making the left briang 9% over 50%) It also does not surprise me that my highest chracteristic in the left brian thinking was sequential...as I am not very spontaneous, I am very organzied, very aware of time, and rarely late to places. I do know that I need to work on my spontinuity, be more spontaneous, doing things that aren't planned or on a schedule. My results say that the highest characteristic in the right brain side is non-verbal. This too makes sense because I cannot follw direction somewhere if just given street names. It helps to be told places around the turning point. According to my results, I need to go with my gut instict more often. I need to not second guess my gut instict, which I think I will really try to do more often. I also agree with the fact that I do not process information in a fantasy-oriented way very well. I also lack creative approaches. I do know that when hearing a math problem, I do not always have to draw it out, I can make sense of it in my head. Something taht surprises me is that I can almost always complete a project or task that I am emotionally attached to. Overall, I am not suprised that I have a higher left-brained percentage, but some of the individual characteristics do surprise me.

  19. I am 64% right brained and my largest percent qualities are being symbolic(34%) for left brain and intuitive(53%) for right brain. These are good because by being symbolic, I am able to proccess the information of symbols. By being intuitive, I go with my gut feeling and am often correct by the choice I choose. I need to work on being concrete and not as random and fantasy orientated. I am also 25% logical and I need to increase that percentage.

  20. My test results were 39% left brained and 61% right brained. I agree with alot of what it said. It says I have alot of intuative processing which is really what I do. On a test when i dont know what to do i always choose the one that feels right. I always have holistic processing which helps alot in dance and gymnastics, these are my two prominent sports. I also dont use nonverbal. I would much rather talk about it then do an illustration. I am a very creative person and can create things that arent always expected but I also like doing things like algebra that have a set answer. I am more creative but need a schedule as well.

  21. In my brain quiz, I was 60% right brained and 40% left brained. I am mostly concrete and random in the right side of my brain. I agree with the results that I was given as I am a naturally creative person and enjoy using my imagination. With that said, I see that I need to be more on schedule for activities because if I am not I tend to procrastinate and leave tgings intil the last minute. One of the things that the quiz recognized was that I can make "leaps of logic" between random activity which I think describes me to a tee. Also, it said that I am good at processing concrete information and ideas. This also describes me because I am good at holding solid facts that are given to me. Overall this quiz describes me well and I thought that this was an interesting activity to complete.

  22. My results were 57% right brained and 43% left brained. I was suprised by my results. I was sure that I was more left inclined because I excel in both math and science. According to the test, my most dominant trait is intuition. I agree that I do not always pick the best decision and often go with my 'gut feeling' but I do not agree that it is my most dominant feature. It also says that I am my least dominant feature is randomness. I agree that I am usually not random.

  23. I recived a 42 left 58 right. I agree with this. i think i am most defiently a right brianer. However i think my sub catigories were slightly off i think i mush more holistic(it was my least characteristic on the right brain) in fact usally that is all i can see, the big picture, but other than that it was fairly accurate

  24. My percentages were 46% left brain, 54% right brain. It was pretty close to how I actually am. It was really spot on, for how I learn math, I have to visualize alot of my schoolwork to be able to understand it.I am fairly fantasy-oriented as well as symbolic and logical. I have always thought I was more right brained because of the way I loved to read and draw when I was little, as I do now. But overall, it was pretty correct.

  25. According to y results, I am pretty much down the middle with 49% left brain and 51% right brain. I was a little surprised by this because I would have thought that I was more left brained than right brained because my favorite subjects are math and science. My most dominant characteristics are holistic and logical. These characteristics kind of contradict each other because logical processing is when you take information piece by piece to form the whole and holistic processing is breaking down the whole. I also agree that my least dominant characteristic is concrete, I tend to accept things as they are and not have to know why it works, for example, math formulas. Overall, I agree with my results of having equal hemispheres of my brain without having to be dependent on one side or the other.

  26. THe results said that I was 50% left brained and 51% right brained. I think that I am close to down the middle. However I think that I am more left left brained than right. It said that my though process is very illogical and meandering. I think that I am pretty logical however because I don't jump to random conclusions that often, I like to base my decisions on facts and proven methods. It also said that I like to figure things out for myself, whichh is true but I don't like to figure out everything alone. I think that the relults were close to true but I think they should have been more in favor of being left brained.

  27. This brain test was not that much of a shocker. I knew i was primarily left brained opposed to right brained, it just put percentages on to my hypothesis. The test said I was 60% left brained and 40% right brained. I was a little taken that my strongest asset when it came to my left brain was linear thinking which by their definition is either having to see the big picture of something and then work back or peices little parts of the puzzel together in a straight and logical progression. Some of this fits what I think my persona is but others just don't seem to suite me. It also came up with the result that I am reality based and make decisions rationally without fully processing the reprocussions of my actions which is the complete opposite of how I go about making descisions. The last area it hit spot on was my lack of randomness but what can I say that is just how I roll, rountiens over spontaneousness. Overall I found it helpful to see how this test ranked me either as more left or right brained, and how it asserted me already preconcieved notions about where I fit. I am a left brainer and proud of it!

  28. I was 58% left brained and 42% right brained. I agree with my results in the sense that I do process things in a very logical ordered way. However, I also find that I tend to find the meaning in things in a less literal, more abstract visual way. I take notes in pictures rather than with words, yet words stick in my mind, and are very important to my understanding. I need to approach things from both directions (left and right) in order to understand them. I initially approach things with my left side, and then take my right side into account for a more complete view. I will get frustrated if I cannot see with both sides, both literal logic and abstract visualization because I feel that no judgment can be complete without seeing both sides.
