Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How is Your Brain? Per. 3

After completing the Examining Your Brain quiz, look at your results and reflect on what you learned. Be sure you post your percentages with your response.


  1. I wasn't overly surprised by the results of my test. I had already known before I was more of a left brain sort of person, and that was proven when the catagories that were more right-brain dominante were lower in percentage than those of the left-brain catagories. Some of the qualities of that a right-brained person is supposed to possess, such as being holistic, are not some of my strong qualities. On the other hand, catagories such as logical, linear, and sequential, were all catagories that I scored high in, therefore solidifying the fact that I predominately use the left side of my brain.

  2. My percentages were 47% left brained and 53% right brained. I think that this is a pretty accurate portrayal of my brain because I like to be organized and methodical like most left-brainers, but I also do not like some left brain activities, like algebra. Also, I enjoy pictures and creativity and geometry, which are right-brain characteristics, but do not like listening and reading comprehension. My most dominant left brain characteristic was systematic, which makes sense because I am very methodical in thought process. My most dominant right brain characteristic was concrete, which also makes sense because I need to know WHY something works instead of how to cement it in my brain. Overall, I am not really left brained or right brained, but somewhere down the middle.

  3. This test was interesting. I found out that I am 60% left brained and 40% right brained. This doesn't surprise me. I have always thought that I am left brained. I have always enjoyed learning off of fact and finding the truth. I think things through and try to plan out the best course of action that is beneficial to me and other around me. I like reading. I enjoy history. It says that a possible job could be a judge. I think that that would be an amazing job. It would be great to determine what to law means and to help people with the law. Overall, I am pleased with is test and its results.

  4. I thought that I would have been a more left brain person than right. Math is my favorite subject and that is a left brain characteristic. The traits that I got the highest score on were linear and concrete, meaning that I put things together in groups and that I like to actually use or touch objects than listening to things. One thing that I definitely disagree with is that my lowest score on the left brain is logical. I really thought that I was a fairly logical person. That category said that sometimes I choose an answer because it "feels" right, which is true about me. However it also said that I find math and science problems difficult, when those problems are actually what come most naturally to me. It also says that holistic is a trait I am lacking, which I agree with because I do not see the whole picture at the beginning of a project and don't ask why, I'm just able to do it.

  5. My brain is supposably 51% left sided. I believe this is fairly incorrect. In the description, it says that I use logic and common sense to fix my problems. I actually do the complete opposite when I'm trying to fix my problems. I use random methods and hope that I am correct. It also says that I tend to see the "whole picture" but in reality, I am actually narrow minded. It says that I am very attentive and focused. I would have to disagree with this statement. I am almost always absent minded. I was shocked at the results in which I recieved for those reasons. However, I also agreed with the results to an extent. It said that my occupation could entitled to a lawyer, perhaps. I agree with this becasue I am very opinionated and argumentitive. Although I agree with this, I am still shocked with my results.

  6. I am 36% Left brain and 64% right brain. I am not surprised with these results. I know that i use my creativity more then I use logic in my life. My most dominate left brain characteristic is Linear Processing. This means I need to see the whole picture before I start looking at the details. Also my reaction to the process depends on my mood and level of comfort with the factors of the situation. This is similar to my most dominate Right brained characteristic. My most dominant Right brained characteristic is Holistic Analysis. This mean that I start with a whole and then work backwards to find my conclusion. I think that this test is pretty accurate and I agree with a lot of my results. I also disagree with a few results such as it said I was random. And I know that I can occasionally have random moments, but it is not a dominant characteristic. Over all I think that it is an Informing quiz.

  7. According to the test, my brain is 54% right sided, and 46% left sided. This means that my problem solving is typically logical if I use innovation and free association. I like to use intuition in order to gather information. The dominant characteristic in my right braing is Random Thought, meaning that I process data randomly and create "leaps of logic." This is wha helps me problem solve in different ways. The strongest characteristic in my left brain is Linear Processing, which means I can think in a straight-forward, logical manner. This helps me understand things without asking why because I can figure out the answer.

    It was interesting to see that the two dominating characteristics in the opposite sides of my brain allowed me to process in completely different ways, one way being creative, another being more literal. I think that my score is accurate because I do not feel like I am extremely dominant on one side of my brain and the scores were pretty close to equal.

  8. After taking the quiz, my results were that I was 40% left brained and 60% right brained. In most of the left brain categories the quiz evaluated me in, the information was right. For example, it said that I'm stronger learning and explaining visually, rather than verbally. Which I think leads me to create to-do list and draw pictures in my notes. It also said I learn better when there's something personal involved or something that I can connect to, which I agree with. One category that I did not agree with was when it said that I usually go with my gut-feeling when answering a question, rather than logically, when in reality, it's opposite. In the right brain categories, all the percentages were also right. I was strongest in the concrete category, meaning that I understand best when there's something visual in front of me that I can use to learn. It also says that I don't usually use my random processing skills unless I'm desperate for a solution, which I think is correct. The quiz also says that I don't like change, which is pretty true. Overall the quiz is accurate, although it contradicted itself a few times. For example, in the left brain it says that I am good at linear processing, meaning that I can see the whole picture, yet in the right brain category, “Holistic," it says I have difficulty doing this, which I don't think is true. I believe that this test was very accurate, and I wasn't very surprised at the results.

  9. I am 47% left brained and 53% right brained. I disagree with this completely becuase I think of myself to be the kind of person that likes thinking logical and critically. I don't ever use randomness to think and therefore believe that this test was incorrect in deciding my brain power. My linear analysis was high in the ratings but so was my randomness. Being a student that focuses more on deducing the answer through logic and thinking, I do not believe that this test was correct. I feel that I am actually very left-brained in that I hate things that are random and believe that they do not deduce any answers correctly. Supposedly I think outside of the box when trying to deduce something. However, I believe that I do think outside of the box in artistic situations but overall I actually like to think inside the box as with logical conclusions rather than random answers. Also, I dislike drawing things out even though the test believes that I enjoy to draw things out. I would much rather do everything in my head rather than on paper. Overall, I believe that this test did not accurately depict the way that I feel about myself. I was very suprised about the way that the results appeared but their is the possibility that I want to believe that I am more left brained when in actuality I am a right-brainer.

  10. After looking at my results, I wasn't to surprised at them. I've always known I was right brained, but I always had the feeling I was left brain also. My percentages were about even, therefore showing that I'm right in between right and left thinking. My highest percentage in the left catagory was logical. I totally agree because I have the ability to look at a problem and figure it out some way or another. I use logic in basically every problem that comes my way. My lowest in the left side was reality based. I kind of dissagree because I do take heed towards rules and regulations. In the right brain catagory, my highest was concrete. I totally agree with that. In order for me to understand something and have in "kick" in, I have to touch or see it so that I can understand what I need to. My lowest catagory was Fantasy Orineted. I don't understand why this was so low, because I often hate change and like the description said, I like to change it back the way it was. While reading my analysis, I often found my self laughing out loud because so many things were so true! Like the fact that I trust myself to choose what is right or not (intuitive) and how I have to understand the big picture before I can understand the little detials.

  11. The results of the test indicated that I was 60 percent right brained and 40 percent left brained. I agree and disagree with the results. Some of the characteristics that come with the right brained thinking don't match up with my thinking methods. I agree with the fact that I use pictures to learn more than verbal, but I am logical in my thinking which is more left brained than right. One of my lowest percentage left brain categories was symbolic processing. It said that I would rather see the object itself than it's symbol and I agree with that. The test results also indicated that I lack reality-based thinking which I disagree with. I believe that I am good and making realistic decisions. I know what follows my actions and I can adjust to my environment.

    Overall I believe the test was fairly accurate in most of it's results. I agree that I am more right brained than left brained. Most of the characteristics matched my thinking methods well.

  12. My percentages were 38% left brained and 62% right brained. These results were not very suprising. The only percentage that i did not expect was 17% logical. I looked at the test again and this was decided by one question. "do you follow your gut instinct" my answer to that is i do both. and it just depends on the situation that i am in.

  13. After taking the test, I received a 59% left brain and 41% right brain. I was not overall surprised with these results because I feel more like a systematic and organized person. I am not overly creative. I scored highest in left brain on Sequential Processing which means I like to follow things in a systematic order. In my right brain results, the concrete category had 0% and it said, "if solving a math problem you do not have to "draw out" the problem in order to find or understand the answer, and you do not have to visualize something to understand it. “; however, I actually have to draw out problems and visualize to solve them, so this is incorrect. Another interesting thing I discovered was in my nonverbal category which scored 32% in right brain. It said when I give directions I don't say roads, but, I give a visual example which is very true. These results did not surprise me since I like math more but I do follow some right brained traits like intuitive and nonverbal processing.

  14. From the start of reading A Whole New Mind, I believed I was a left-brainer simply because of the way I process information and am very organized. I am 54% left-brained, and 46% right-brained. I was expecting to be a very linear thinker, but I was not expecting the 55% in concrete. I never realized I was as much a visual person as the test results showed me. 0% in the random category was somewhat expected but not totally. I do tend to stay on track and on task, but my friends often say I am random in what I say, so I was expecting to be a little random. Overall, I was not very surprised and predicted I was a left-brainer.

  15. After taking the "examining your brain" quiz, i founf out that i am 35% left brained and 65% right brained. These results did not suprise me at all and i expected my results to reflect that i am right brained. I am a sequencial concrete person. I also agree with the catergorized breakdowns that the quiz gave me about my brain. I do things in a loical order with sensability and I like do have hands-on experiences to process ideas and concepts, which reflects the concrete aspect of my results. I had a 64% result in concrete and a 33% result in sequencial. I agree with this too. I see myself as a very random and spontaneous person who thinks on the go, the quiz said i was 39% random, which i think is pretty accurate. The quiz suggested a career as a forest ranger, athlete, beautician, actor/actress, craftsman, or artist. This result also seems accurate to me, i have expressed interests in many art forms, particularly music which the quiz also pointed to. I also study an art, Tae Kwon Do and am pursuing my career as an athlete.

  16. I was surprised at the outcome of the test until I read the expanation. I realized that although most of my brain processes seem left brained, they do rely on right brained processes. The test helped me to realize that both sides of my brain form what I consider a left side directed brain. My percentages were 48% left brain 52% right brain. I can't see myself becoming an actor, or forest ranger, but I am better at geometry than algebra, and I can picture 3D images in my head much better than I can visualize numbers. All in all I think the test was fairly acurate, altough the 7% reality based really surprised me.

  17. I am indifferent towards the results of my brain test. I am 42% left brained and 58% right brained. I like how this test shows exactly the percentage of different aspects of my brain. I feel this is semi-accurate in the fact that my most dominant characteristic is that I am concrete and symbolic, meaning I like to visualize most of what I do. This is very true in math, history and most my other classes. I really like the one about being Fantasy oriented. I think this should be one of my top characteristics as it is how I spend the majority of my time. I definitely think it should come before non-verbal though. I love to talk and express my opinions with people while enjoying a nice conversation with them. However, I am also logical when it comes to math problems or Biology equations, and the brain test showed me I was only 5% logical of all the categories. I find this hard to believe as I have taken other tests that show I am border line left brain and right brain. I am the creative, crafty person but I enjoy all subjects in school.

  18. My first response to this test is that it is not accurate. My results show that I am 40% left brained and 60% right brained. The results also showed that am not “random” at all and very “symbolic”. I tend to be a very random thinker and I didn’t think I was symbolic. However after reading more I discovered the analysis was more correct. The results showed that I was good at math, and good at memorizing information. It told me that I was also creative and didn’t like to follow rules. These results changed my mind about how accurate this test is. The test says that I also process information in a logical order not in a “random” way. This is what the “random” ment, which now makes more sense. From this test I learned new information about how I think, learn, and use my brain that I wouldn’t know otherwise.

  19. My percentages for the test were 54% left brained and 46% right brained. I agree with these results because my favorite subjects are Math and English, however I like math a little bit more. Sometimes when I am trying to figure out a problem, I have to draw it out to make sense. Also, when I am in the middle of a project, I don’t have to put my heart and soul into it, I just have to get it done. If I don’t know an answer on a test, a lot of the time I just go with the answer that sounds right. I never need to know why something works, I just need to know how to do it. I was a little surprised with the results since they said that I am 46% right brained considering the fact that I am not creative at all.

  20. I had 42% left brain and 58% right brain. This was slightly surprising since, though I expected to be relatively even, I also expected to be slightly more left-brained than right. The comments it gave me—like saying I use feeling and intuition to gather information, or saying that my thought process is illogical and meandering—were somewhat true but not accurate all the time, and only in moderation. However, I was not surprised by some of the percentages of different traits. My primary left brain trait is linear, meaning I think things through from start to finish, not looking at the finish and going backward. My primary trait for right-brain was fantasy-oriented, which is also unsurprising, since I don’t like to read non-fiction books. My least dominant characteristic in the left-brain category is Intuitive which makes sense, because I tend to think things out rather than go with my feelings. The only surprising characteristic statistic was the least dominant left-brain trait being logical; I always thought myself to have a somewhat logical mind, even if it is random at times.

  21. My results for the test were that I was 38% left and 62% right. I completely disagree; I think I am more in the middle then such one sided. I think this because while I find it hard to pay attention, get off topic and am fantasy-oriented, I am also considerably better at algebra then I am at geometry. I find it difficult to visualize shapes and never liked art. I also think I am very logical, I consider the information then create an answer. However I am not organized in the least and hate fallowing directions. My highest left brained trait was logical, which makes sense while my highest right brained is intuitive. I believe that I am more down the middle then one sided.

  22. The test said that my brain is 38% left brain dominated and 62% right brain dominated. For the most part, I think this is true.
    One thing that the test said that I thought really did get right was that it said I am not a very verbal person. I do agree with that. The test said that I lack reality based thinking. I think that is somewhat true. It said that I don't accept change very well, and I agree with that.
    The test said that I use a lot of random based thinking. I think that is mostly true. The test said that I am nonverbal, and use pictures and videos to process information. I think that is true. I often do think about things in pictures. The test said that I look at the "whole picture." I don't necessarily agree with that. I always thought that I looked at the small parts first before seeing the whole picture. The test said that I often go with my gut feeling. I think that for the most part, I do. The test said that I don't use fantasy thinking a lot. I think that the test got that completely wrong. I know that I seem to live in a fantasy world.
    So, for the most part, I think that the test was pretty accurate, although I think it did make some misjudgments.

  23. Recently I took an online quiz that supposedly measures my right-brained thinking to my left-brained thinking. Here were my alleged results:

    Left Brain
    Right Brain

    This information absolutely terrifies me. Right-brained thinkers are not the most successful people in Western society. I come from a family of heavily left-brained thinkers: electrical engineers (essentially rocket scientists). They expect me to be the great math brain that they both are.
    I had begun to suspect this horrible fait since the end of middle school. I was not good at algebra. I hated my math class. And then I got into geometry and it just made sense. That scares me. Right brained thinkers are the starving artists and poets and college alumni with nothing more than a degree in French literature. Today’s society is centered around left-brained thinking, no matter what Daniel Pink says. Sure, I can see a day and age where right-brained thinkers rule the world, but that time is not the present and is not the time in which I will be making my living. Left-brained people have the advantage, an advantage I need to be successful.
    For a very long time, when people ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I always tell them that I want to be an architect. Supposedly, this is essentially right-brained for concept and right-brained for application. This still is a reality for my life. Maybe this is not as bad as I had thought, but rather a realization of what I had always known.
