Thursday, April 21, 2011

AWNM Story Period 4

1 comment:

  1. Stories are an important part in life. Some people like to tell the stories, while some like to listen. I agree with Stephanie that personal stories are reflected in other people’s stories. I think we can learn from stories of other and we can appreciate other for what they might have gone through. I also agree that stories can be more relatable and easier to listen to then just facts. Megan C said she thought people like to hear stories because it helps them relate to each other in a deeper way- I completely agree. The best way to get to know someone is by hearing their story, because, you find similarities between each other. Also, I think stories help other people understand a person more. By hearing someone’s story you could gain compassion and acceptance, which I think is very important.

    The conversation started talking about emotion. I agree with a lot of what was said. Emotion can drive people to do anything! (In my opinion.) Some of the ads for abused animals make me what to donate all the money I have because it makes you feel bad. I think as a human being, it is natural to prefer things with emotion, over things that are dry and factual. For example, I am drawn to books that are dramatic (maybe a little over board sometime,) because that’s what keeps my attention.

    Another good point was brought up about high school stories vs. GPA and test scores. In the near future, the test scores are what is important because you won’t get into a good college because you “have a lot of stories from high school.” However, for me, stories are what will matter 20 years from now because that’s what I will hold on to forever.

    To wrap it up, I think stories are a crucial part of everyone’s life. No matter where our lives take us, we all will have endless stories to tell. We will never stop making memories that are important and everyone will make their own stories perfect for them. Without stories- what’s the point?
