Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Little Brother 1-5 Liveblog/Fishbowl Discussion


  1. Some of the technology in the book is impractical, like that gait measures. Some security devices are so easy to evade, like Marcus putting rocks in his shoes.

  2. I have never heard of a Gait-tracer. We do not have that technology yet. I think our society is capible of this technology though.

  3. We already use a lot of the technology that is used in Little Brother on a day to day basis.

  4. I agree with maria. Some of the tecnology is very unlikely to happen because some of it is very unrealilistic. But, also, twenty years ago, people said that iphones and such were very unreal, but they happened, so couldnt anything really?

  5. Terrorism is just a more extreme form of bullying, where lives or the general serious well-being of a person are being threatened.

  6. I think that the gate-tracer could be used. However, I don't think it could be used in our country. I think it could be used in other countries. Ifitwas used here, it would continuosly take away our freedom.

  7. In any situation, I think that any act of terror, like Marcus said in the book, that it would be and should be considered terrosim. Terroism is not just another country coming in and causing havok to another country or a group of people bringing terror to another, but really it is just anyone causing terror to anyone.

  8. Well despite Marcus being at the wrong place at the wrong time, it shouldn't give the DHS the right to question. However, security requires it. Is there such a thing as the perfect balance of freedom and security?

  9. As teenagers we are judged and expected to shoplift and be ruffians. Like Mrs. Moritz said, by falling into that stereotype we are giving away our rights to just fit into society.

  10. why do we want to be stereotyped? it is not a good thing

  11. We will only give up our rights if need demands.

  12. I agree with Katie. Just because we are stereotyped doesn't mean we should just give in to the stereotype.

  13. It seems to me that airport security only ramps up security to get attention to make people think that the increase in security is an increase in safety. Are they simply trying to get attention or are they honestly trying to make airplanes more safe?

  14. well then should there be more security? or should their be no security at all?

  15. I feel that we have this security trying to stop people, but it is not working, so what's the point?

  16. @Abby/Cloe-- Even if it's not doing anything, it makes people feel better about their travel etc. Security most likely stops more than we know; we only know about the accidental misfortunes.

  17. TSA should find a way to block out the terrorist rather than just having useless security

  18. The point of this security is to make people feel safe. The threat is being blown way out of proportion. The only way to make people calm down is to make them feel more safe. Once people forget about all of this, they will be able to ramp down the security.

  19. Safety is mental and that's what the government is giving us mental security.

  20. From reading these previous comments,I noticed we talked about TSA security a lot. I personally believe that is is a way to make citizens feel saver than they really are. There are so many ways that people can manipulate technology to work to their advantage that the new procedure still will have loopholes.
    @Cloheb- no security? who would want to go on a plane WITHOUT security?
    @Matt N- When talking about stereotypes it is not that someone WANTS to be stereotyped, people naturally group people into what they act like. For example, in school there are groups that are stereotyped, jocks, nerds, etc.

  21. The technology that is used in Little Brother is a lot like the technology we have today. I bet that in some places they do have gait-recognition technology.
    Also, there is a lot of security in America. We have been attacked be terrorists so we want the safety. But some of the security at airports goes over board. I think that the full body scans are unnecessary. Yes people will get past security with things they probably shouldn't, but there is really no way of preventing that. The TSA does it's best, but people will always find a way. It's the law of averages.
