Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Maria B.


  1. So creative! That was great! I especially liked the penny toss at the beginning. It was really interesting too

  2. Wow! Maria I loved your personal stories and how you related it to what you care about, animals. It is so important to give people second chances, none of us are perfect. You seemed very comfortable and rehersed. Great Job!

  3. Haha! Very creative way to begin your talk!!! A lot of very creative connections!!! Nice job Maria!

  4. I loved your stories about you animals. You did a wonderful job!

  5. I loved your message. Your horse and dog are so adorable. It was amazing and everything tied together perfectly. It challenged me to give second chances and made me think. Awesome job!

  6. I loved your talk, Maria. It was really good and the connections to your own life made it even more powerful, great job!

  7. Maria! Your topic is so unique and I loved your stories that went along with it. You're so smart, great job girl!

  8. I agree that without second chances the world would be a lot harder place where people are afraid to go out on a limb to try something new because they are too afraid to make a mistake.

  9. It wass a very good interaction with the audience. This was great because the stories helped make it perosnal and draw us into the topic. Great topic it really left me thinking after the presentation was over.

  10. Your presentation was great. I loved the penny toss at the beginning. The personal stories were great and I completely agree with your idea, everyone does deserve a second chance. Great job Maria!

  11. nice job. i like the puppyf. and it was a good TED talk

  12. I am so proud of your family!! I love the topic of your TED talk! I always give people second chances because you deserve them and sometimes they are needed. I love the picture of the little boy and girl hugging. I believe second chances are the best so that you can achieve your goals and have a happy life. Great pictures, the cat falling on his face is a keeper.

  13. Great topic and delivery. Throwing the coins was a great demonstration and audience engager. Very well done.

  14. That was a really good topic that matters to us in school

  15. That was great Maria! i never realized how important second chances are but i will never forget your speech and waht you said! i liked the penny too:)

  16. I loved your audience engagement! Your personal stories are inspiring! job Maria!!

  17. Nice Job Maria!! That was so good, you knew exactly what you were talking about. Loved your stories.

  18. Friar Maria,
    I really enjoyed your presentation. I have never thought about how many second chances we do receive - we are so used to receiving them! Your personal connections and stories were used very effectively. I like how you questioned us as to where we would be without second chances. It is important to think about and it is important to realize the events that result from second chances. Nice job!

  19. Brock that was solid gold medal work! YOur sotries were very touching and you were very calm and collected! I liked you topic I wouldn't be in the class typing this if it wasn't for second chances!

  20. Wonderfully done Maria!! I loved your really got everyone's attention, especially Zach! It is so great what you are doing for animals. Great job

  21. I loved your personal stories about your animals. You did a great job!
