Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Griffin J.


  1. Griffin, I'm so glad that you addressed such a vital aspect in your presentation. We do need to pay attention to and appreciate our environment and care for it. I think it is very cool that you care about such an important topic and draw attention to the topic. It was interesting how you involved the audience to drive your point. Nice job!

  2. Dude, I'm gonna get so tan this summer! (while putting sunscreen on, of course!) Haha anyway, nice job!

  3. Crazy to imagine but it was very important to hear! Good Job

  4. You did a great job! The example with the class about how one half of us will get skin cancer is crazy and I didn't know that.

  5. I liked how you used the people standing up to show the statistics. I thought it was very interesting. Good woek finn.

  6. Great job discussing both sides. Good facts and evidence. Enjoyed the demo too.

  7. This was a great topic and it helped to havethe 2's stand up it really helped your point.

  8. Good job, Grifiin! Having up stand up was a great interactive thing to do!

  9. I really liked how you did the numbering off example, i was shocked at the statistics of skin cancer! I liked how unique it was, great job!

  10. I learned a lot from your TED talk and you did great talking about these topics. It seemed like you really knew what you were talking about and you seemed really comfortable. Good Job!

  11. I think that your speech englightened us about the enviroment. It was very well put together, good job!

  12. Griffin, Good job engaging the audience! You really know your facts and it sounded really rehursed. Good job!

  13. Great job! That was a very interesting topic that I had never considered before but you convinced me on why the sun is important!

  14. Nice Job Griffin! I loved the examples you had everyone do.

  15. Great presentation! We should become more aware of our environment, good idea. I liked the interactive aspect of your speech with the numbers- I can't believe half of us would get skin cancer at least once in our lifetime. Great job Griffin!

  16. You are very educated about your topic! I liked your audience engagment! Great job!!
