What is your initial reaction to Lord of the Flies? What do you expect will happen to the characters you've been introduced to? Ralph, Piggy, Simon, Jack? As you read, consider what each character could represent.
My initial reaction to LOF is okay. I thought the way they got on the island was a little dumb but it is okay. I think Piggy, the only smart one, will be rejected by the group and something horrible will happen to him. Ralph, Simon, and Jack seem to be three people with totally different personalities but, would be 3 great leaders. I think that will cause some tension, with all of them wanting to lead but, I hope it will work out.
I think that the Lord of the Flies is going to be an okay book. I don't think it is going to be the most exciting book I read all year, but i'm sure i'll learn something from it. I belive that Piggy is going to get hurt or something, because he is always trying to get the groups attention. Also, I believe that when something happens to Piggy, its going to make Ralph and Jack realize that they do need him and in some situations, they should've listened to him. Simon is different than all the others in the group. I believe that Simon is hiding something. Wether its something small, like food and water. Or something big like a way to get off the island or shelter and/or matches. I think that with these three to four characters trying to get the spotlight and be the leaders of the group, there will be alot going on between them.
My initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is pretty good, the book doesn't seem too exciting or off track, (off track could be a bad thing) but it isn't as boring as other books I've read. I think that eventually Ralph and Jack might argue over control, but I doubt that Piggy or Simon will try to gain leadership. Piggy doesn't have anyone fully on his side and seems scared of Jack. He would make a relatively weak leader. Simon seems obedient and hardworking, he seems content to do his part in the groups future, but is satisfied with Ralph as chief. Jack seems in total disregard for Piggy, not really acknowledging that he's there unless it's to complain about him or put him down. He seems obsessed with hunting a pig, ever since he was too scared to kill the piglet trapped in the vines. I think that Ralph is a good leader, but that he will come to rely more and more on Piggy's brainpower in the future. Even though he would be my top pick for leader, there will probably still be situations that he will have extreme difficulty facing. I don’t think that the book is completely practical, for example it would be unlikely that so many boys would survive the plane wreck, and that a piglet native to an area covered in vines would get trapped, but the point of LOF isn’t really to tell a story, but to explain a concept or idea, so these details probably are meant to enhance the book not verify it’s validity. My overall opinion of the book is that it will be a fairly interesting read.
I am enjoying Lord of the Flies so far. With the mention of the creepers on the first page and not much mention of the actual crash and what happened to the plane, I was intrigued and wanted to read more. You said in class that many things in the story reminded you of LOST, and I can't agree more. I love LOST, so I am excited to see what other text-to-text similarities there are. My first thought of Ralph was that he was simple and not yet concerned with the aspect of being stranded on an island. I believe that he took the right approach calling the rest of the boys by blowing the conch. It appears as if he has generally good thoughts on what should be happening, but has trouble making it happen, like the making of the shelters. I don't think that the seriousness of the situation has sunk in with most of the boys - they are eating fruit and swimming and having a jolly time. Piggy started of as a bit annoying, but I think that is one of the smartest and most mature of the boys. I believe that all of the rest of them, including Jack and Ralph, should listen to what he has to say. I believe that Jack is also leader material, but I think that there will be conflict between him and Ralph, fighting over power. Jack seemed extremely confident in the beginning of the story, and it seems to me that that the confidence is decreasing with time and experience. Simon seems like a simple guy. The end of chapter three really had me thinking - what was he doing? What was he hiding? Why was he alone?
Also, I am wondering about the creepers. The details concerning them have me thinking different thoughts about them and what they are every time they come up. I would really like to know what the deal is with the creepers!
I am looking forward to continue reading Lord of the Flies!
Even though i have only read the first couple of chapters of Lord of the Flies, I am not that impressed with the book. I find it very confusing and difficult to understand, and if the book continues to like this, I don't think I am going to like it very much. As for the characters, i think that Ralph and Jack will be the two best suited for life on the island, because they were both leaders of their little groups, so they know how to take care of themselves and other people. Piggy I'm a little more worried about. He seems like the kind of kid that relies on other people to take care of him, so I don't know how well he can cope if he doesn't have anyone to look after him. As for Simon, I don't really know what to think about him. He hasn't really jumped out at me yet as an important character in the story, but we'll see what happens as the book goes along.
When I first began reading LOF I didn't enjoy it very much, but the story is beginning to pick up and become more interesting. The story isn't very realistic considering how many small children survived and how all adults died, but LOF relies more on imagination. Piggy is an extremely bright and realistic character but Jack and Ralph refuse to listen to him. Something will mostly likely happen on the island that will cause Jack and Ralph to recognize Piggy as an essential contribution to their survival. Simon is an interesting and mysterious character that is hiding something from the rest of the group that may impact their survival or could split the group of boys. Jack and Ralph are becoming closer but Jack threatens Ralph as leader and may eventually steal Ralph's leadership. Jack is very rude and dismissal of Piggy and Ralph recognizes him a little bit more but overall ignores him. Ralph and Jack’s attempt in controlling the group of boys will fail and total ciaos will take place as more time passes and they realize that rescue isn’t coming any time soon.
At first I wasn't that interested in Lord of the Flies, but now I am more interested than I was before. I think that Ralph and Jack both definitely have leadership skills, but Jack will be trying to fight for leadership skills and possibly even succeed to obtain leadership, because Jack seems more manipulative than Ralph and will do anything to get what he wants. I think that both Simon and Piggy are important characters, but Simon will get a lot more acknowledgement than Piggy, because he isn't obese. However, I don't think that Simon will get all the acknowledgement he deserves. The name Simon means "one who hears" so I think that he will find out stuff eventually and keep quiet in order to not make Jack mad. I think that Jack is a manipulative wannabe leader, Ralph is a naive to Jack's manipulation, Piggy is the intelligent one who might be able to solve a few problems if they give him a chance, and Simon is "the one who hears"
LOF is slightly confusing and throws the reader around a lot; I expect it to be the kind of book that really will not make sense until the end. However, once everything makes sense, it will be a book that I will want to read again in order to understand symbolism that I may be glossing over right now because it does not seam relevant. It is a good book though, and I enjoy the challenge of trying to pinpoint climactic moments. I expect that Ralph will become somewhat of a tragic hero because his hubris will eventually lead to his downfall. Piggy is an essencial part of this story. So far, I think he represents a voice of mature reasoning that everyone is pushing aside but will soon have to listen to or perish. Simon I have not figured out yet. He seems to stick by Ralph and appear content on the outside, but on the inside there is something dangerous brewing. Jack also represents a sort of co-leader to Ralph because he has the authority to boss Piggy around and the community respects him. However, he seems to be all talk and doesn't take action. I like this book, but I think it will get better as the story progresses.
My initial reaction to Lord Of The Flies is that it is going to be a weird book. The main thing that caught me off guard was the fact that there are absolutely no adults left on the island. I realize that the plane is mainly filled with boys who are being evacuated during the war, but the pilot should not be the only adult on the plane nor the only one to die. I also find this book to be quite confusing. I cannot seem to figure out what the point of view is, that this book is written in. So far, I have encountered 3rd person, but I believe there are some hits of 1st person and omniscient, so I am looking forward to reading more and figuring out what the true point of view is. Of the four main characters we have been introduced to, I am not real fond of Ralph. He's kind of a mean person and bullies Piggy a bit, but I believe he will make a great leader. I'm not really sure what to think about Jack and Simon yet. I find it bizarre that Golding decided to bring a choir into the book and that they were a part of it. As for Piggy, I enjoy him. I feel he is a rather interesting character. Piggy is very intelligent but doesn't completely get to show it, and for that I think he deserves some respect. I expect some drastic event to happen to this group of young boys that will lead them to have to rely on each other and learn to use each one of their gifts to the best of their abilities.
My first reaction to the Lord of the Flies is that I think it is going to be a great book. And I'm not just saying that, I am actually really enjoying it, and keep enjoying it as I read further. One question that keeps nagging me, though, is if the pilot died or not. I'm pretty sure he's gone, but it seems odd that they wouldn't find any trace of him after the plane crash. Also, it seems odd that the boys were barely touched or scarred when they crashed. If the only adult had died, the pilot, then shouldn't the boys be scratched? Or at the least bit have cuts or bruises? With the characters i've been introduced to, I have a plan made up in my head about them. I believe that Ralph, as the cheif of the group, will eventually get over-whelmed with the stress of having to control so many little children. He will eventually give his power to Jack, who will probably do something horribly wrong, knowing that Jack is already very power-seeking and overcontroling. I know that Piggy is probably the smartest of the bunch, and therefore will probably help in somesort of darastic situation. But, I believe that he is the "underdog" of the group, and will be ganged up on eventually. Also, I'm very suspicious of Simon. It seems that he's sneaking around a lot, and that he's trying to hide something. I'm excited to read on to know what happens, or to find out what he's hiding.
My initial thoughts about Lord of the Flies are that it is going to be an interesting book. It is hard to tell what will happen from this point in the story, but it will definitely take some unexpected twists and turns. Ralph is a character of many mysteries. He is a little hard to decipher. Jack definitely has the authoritative voice in this story, but he will have to fight for it, as some people don't respect him as much as they could. Piggy has a lot of ideas that may not be plausible, but are a good start. He always wants to be heard in meetings and in decisions. Simon is probably going to be the one of which they take advantage, over and over again. He is the smallest and the easiest to command. In the first chapter, Golding sets the scene in which this civilization functions. The boys are still unsure of how to behave without any adult around to oversee them. In chapter two, the boys, especially Piggy, know that they must act with order if they are to be rescued. But on the mountain, order shatters when one of the boys is apparently burned to death in the fiery forest. In chapter three, the conflict Jack and Ralph are going to have builds. It mirrors the thematic conflict of the novel in general. This is the problem between civilization and savagery, which is still weighted heavily on the civilization side. Also, Simon shows his kind and generous nature through his actions in this chapter. He indicates his helpfulness by doing the responsible thing instead of goofing off with the rest of the boys. He marvels at the beauty of nature when he sits in the forest for a long time.
I will be interested to see where this story goes in the coming chapters, because at the moment, it is very unclear!
When I started to read The Lord of the Flies, this is what went through my mind, "What? This makes no sense!" After reading a little longer everything started to make sense. Now I think that the story will get a lot better. I know the main characters and now I can focus more on the plot and understanding the characters. I think Ralph and Jack will be he main leaders. They will eventually make two separate groups and turn on each other. Although Piggy is very smart and could be useful to all of the kids, i think he will become an outcast and end up being killed first. Simon is the hardest for me. He could end up becoming the chief when Ralph and Jack turn on each other, or he could take a side in the end and make that side the most powerful. Either way he will be an important character in this story. This will be an interesting read!
When I first began reading, the plot was not at all what I expected. I had pictured an exciting plane crash and the story of how the kids are the only survivors; which was not at all what happened. I think that Ralph and Jack will have a lot of competition over the position as true leader, which could possibly lead to death later in the book. I think Piggy has the wisdom to lead, but not the respect of the others, nor the leadership qualities Ralph and Jack possess. Simon is still a bit of a mystery to me. He has the makings of a character that will play a large part later in the book, but what that part is, I can't be sure.
My initial reaction to the lord of the Flies was that it was very hard to follow. No where did it really give an answer on many questions. The only way i have understood anything is by inferring. For example they always mention the scar and how their plane crashed on the island, but nowhere does it say where that plane was going or why. Although I have enjoyed Piggy and his attempts to lead the group, only to be shot down by Ralph. I hope the book gets better and more understandable as I continue.
My initial reaction to Lord Of The Flies was that it was going to be very interesting. I expected an exciting story about some boys being stranded on an island after a descriptive and traumatic plane crash, but the author remained very vague about the plane crash. However, this did not happen, instead the author foreshadows and describes the characters in a way to make you think but is still exciting and interesting. The author gives the reader as much information as the boys in the book know. It helps me connect and feel what they feel. Ralph and Jack seem to be very similar because they will both have qualities of leaders, like, reassurance and guidance. Jack seems very determined to prove himself worthy, he does this by trying to hunt a pig and abuse his power as second leader. Ralph seems like he will enjoy the power he is given and abuse it. He already acts like he knows everything and he is almighty ruler who is allowed to do anything. Simon seems like he will be the best leader instead of Ralph or Jack. He is quiet, intelligent, and he thinks before he acts. However, I don't think his leadership will shine until the end of the book because Jack and Ralph will be in control until then. I predict that something bad will happen to Piggy. He is being used and he doesn't deserve it. He is the one who has already been mistreated and it seems that the society rules don't include him. I think this foreshadows how the leaders will abuse their powers and bend the rules for their own benefit like in Animal Farm. Simon could represent a quiet leader who is not noticed until the end. Jack and Ralph could represent dictators who abuse their powers. Piggy could represent the first victim of a wrong society.
I think the book is not very eventful yet. No big animal attacks or events have taken place. If this continues I dont't believe the book will be very intresting. Piggy is the smart neglected one in the group. Ralph I think is going to be the first one to face conflict. He is more of the main character. Jack might turn on Ralph because he wants the leadership. Simon will grow to be a stronger leader. The characters will become clearer as the book progresses.
My first impression of Lord of the Flies, was that I can tell there will be a major lesson at the end. Although, there are definitly some confusing parts that are still big questions. Like the creepers and the scar? I think that Piggy is the most intelligent so far and if they keep discriminating and leaving him out then they will miss out on some important information. I think that Ralph is starting to become overwhelmed with the role of leadership and will need some help. Jack acts like he know everything but I think inside he is actually scared and needs direction. I am excited to see where this book goes and how it ends!
My initial response of "Lord of the Flies" was pretty good. It's not my favorite book but it is enjoyable. After reading the first three chapters, I think that the character are going to have many conflicts between themselves, each other, and the island. So far, Ralph has become their leader with Jack and Simon sort of like his right hand men. I think Jack might try to steal the leadership from Ralph as the book goes on because he seems a little power hungry. Simon seems a little suspicious to me, like he's hiding something big. Also, Piggy doesn't really get along with them. He's been made fun of at meetings and not respected when he was holding the conch shell. But I think Piggy will become a very important character but it'll take something big for Ralph and Jack to realize how important he might be to getting off the island. But, the characters and their personalities will shine through more as the book goes on.
My initial reaction to 'Lord of the Flies' was half curiosity and half skepticism. On one hand, I am definitely anticipating reading into this book- there is a bit of sinister foreshadowing and the story could go in many directions. But on the other hand, the plot isn't all that original (survivors of a plane crash on a deserted island) and the actions of the boys all seem a bit odd. It might just be because the book is set back in the 1930's. As for the characters, they are all very complex. Ralph comes off as innocent and optimistic, while playing the role of leader. He seems reluctant to really force the other boys to work. Jack desires power and doesn't enjoy looking weak- his reaction to the caught piglet proves that. His determination to kill the pig is worrying, because it would open him to bloodshed and could be a direct correlation to Piggy. Piggy is clearly insecure but quite intelligent; he is also displaying a tendency to rub people the wrong way. Despite his actual usefulness, Jack's dislike for Piggy could predict some frightening consequences. Simon seems to be inoffensive, seeing as he pulls his weight and follows orders. However, his place in the middle of the other three could put him in the line of fire. I look forward to reading more of the book and seeing how the story plays out.
The title Lord of the Flies caught me off guard because, so far, it has nothing to do with the plot yet. Also, when Ralph blew into the conch shell at the beginning, I expected there to be adult survivors. So far, this book has a surprise on almost every page! With the introduction of Ralph, I picked up that he is almost our age, if not younger. Piggy seems a little younger than Ralph. Piggy has the most logic out of everybody, but he is not understood/listened to. To me, he represents the underdog. I think that Piggy is going to hold through it all and eventually be heard by the group. I think Ralph and Jack fight too much, and perhaps they are going to get out of hand. Ralph is a good leader for the pack, and represents the foundation for the group. Jack is just a stuck-up school boy, and is somewhat of a coward because he can't even stab a pig without second thought while it scurries away. Simon is quiet, and this is an element of foreshadowing. I think that Simon knows something that the others don't. I can't wait to read on and discover more about these characters as the plot unfolds.
My initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is that it’s very slow and, in some parts, very confusing. There are moments in the book where I am extremely uninterested about what is going on because of the way things are worded. I feel that sometimes the author adds unnecessary details that slow down the reading. I’m hoping the book will become more interesting as the story starts to move and the conflicts start arising. I think that Ralph and Jack will be good leaders and partners at the beginning, but as the story moves on, I suspect that they will have arguments about how things on the island are suppose to be run. I think that Piggy will create most of the conflict with the leaders, because, although he is trying to do the right thing, the small boys might take it the wrong way, feeling that he is disagreeing with their tactics. Simon, I feel, has not contributed to the story in a way that has impacted me. I think that he may be the character that just sits in the background.
My initial reaction to Lord of the Flies was that this book would be a relatively complicated book to read. I think that because the characters that have been introduced so far have very different personalities. Ralph seems to be a good leader but he has trouble getting people to help him set up a camp. This flaw may cause problems if the group of boys split into many groups.Jack seems to be a very strong minded person. I say this because he wants to do only what he was assigned, hunt for meat. Also he gets somewhat defensive when he is critisized. I think these to characters will dominate the plot making for a very convuluted plot that will decide who makes it off the island and who doesn't
My in initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is that it will most likely be an exciting book. Right now I think that it is getting off to a pretty slow start. There has been very little action and the author didn’t include the plane crash, which would have helped readers get more into the book. The characters so far are all very different. Piggy is trying his best to get along but not having much success. He and Jack didn’t like each other from the very beginning and is becoming more and more stressed every minute. Jack thinks he is very important. I bet this will cause more conflict further on in the book. He seems to get in fights with every one about the littlest things and is making a lot of enemies. Ralph seems to be the leader and know what he is doing. He is very proud of his father in the Navy, but also this makes him over confident about knowing how to survive. Simon has his heart in the right place and is just trying to help everyone. He gets along with everyone. My feeling is that he will help solve the final conflict. I think each character represents a different side of a conflict and they are all externally different, but similar in many ways. These similarities will bring them together in the end.
My initial reaction to Lord of the Flies was that the book is VERY complexed and requires a lot of thinking and understanding to fully connect and stay on top of the plot. Several times throughout my reading, I had to re-read because I was so confused! Some parts stil don't make 100% sense to me, but hopefully it will all click as the plot continues. I agree with many of the previous comments, Ralph and Jack seem like dominant leaders. Both of them show these qualities throughout the first three chapters. I do think that Jack has a more agressive outlook on things then Ralph does. For instance, Jack is always chucking his knife into trees when he is upset and wants to get in control. Ralph is a little calmer and would rather yell at the group or snatch the conch when he has something to say. I feel really bad for Piggy. He is totally picked on and is the outcast of the group. I think that he is a great character who brings a humorous mood to the book. Simon seems very obidient, follows orders, pulls his weight and seems like a very simple character. But I get the sense from foreshadowing that Simon knows something that the others don't and he is hiding from them. I can't wait to read more!!
My initial reaction to Lord of the Flies was that it is very confusing. It refers to “the creepers” and “the scar” which weren't really explained. Also, this book doesn't seem very exciting yet because the characters are exploring the island and conflicting with one another. Ralph seems like he will be the one to help out all the boys if something horrible occurs. I expect Piggy to be correct about all his inferences and the boys will learn that they are lucky to have Piggy especially Jack because he doesn't like Piggy so far. I don't really feel like I know Simon that well in this book. He just keeps to himself a lot. Jack will probably clash with Ralph later in Lord of the Flies because Jack wants to be in control so badly that he may do something unexpected to gain that power. I really want to see something exciting or eventful occur farther into this book.
So far, Lord of the Flies is an okay book, but as the suspense and tension between the boys continues to build I think it will get better. The first three chapters left me with some questions like, "What year does the story take place?", "Why aren't there any adults on the island?", and "Why is nobody panicked?". Although, many of the boys were a little worried about being rescued or not, it didn't seem like any of them were sad or frightened about the fact that their plane just crashed and they are without adults. I am intersested to see how each character copes with living on their own. Jack seems like he is one of the main leaders of the group, along with Ralph, but there is also a dark menacing aspect to him. Piggy is the odd one being bullied by the other boys and I feel like eventually all his pent up anger towards them will result in violent actions. Lastly, I think Simon is the young, naive, and innocent boy striving to be a leader.
My initial reaction to LOF is that the book, so far, is very slow. All together it feels pretty empty; more like a day to day of nothing important. Also, the writing is confusing and is based on a lot of the reader's guessing, but it feels like everything, (story, characters, events), will come together in the end.
For characters, I think that Ralph and Jack are a lot alike; both are aggressively in command leading by their own drives. I think something big is going to happen between the two boys. Simon, so far not being a key character, is the more caring, unselfish, an individual, and smart will turn to be a very influential character for the younger boys. Piggy is by far the smartest but will be put down the most out of any character because of looks. He is also the most adult of any character, (ahead of Simon)and will become a leader in the end. I hope that the characters develop along with the story and that the book will end excitingly
Danger is what came to mind when i read the first chapters of the book. Although no big events have occurred yet, i have a uneasy feeling about the upcoming chapters. A bunch of young and reckless boys are marrooned on a mysterious island. This situation is destined for disaster. With Ralph's new power, i think he will survive because he has shown no signs of great weakness yet. I believe Jack will not survive long because he has already shown signs of paranoia and he seems to be going crazy. Piggy seems very wise for his age and although he does not exactly fit in, i think he will be a major character in the future chapters. Simon is clearly up to no good, i think he will stick around for quite some time causing disturbances and mischief.
What first came to mind when i started the book, was how creative the author is... He took a common story of being stranded on an island, and elaborated and added on his own ideas, that make it very unique. It also seems like a very dark story. My opinion, is that later on in the book Jack and Ralph will continue butting heads, but will also become great friends. I also think that Piggy's importance and value will be proven more and more throughout the book. Simon is just hardworking in general. He helps Ralph when no other boys will, even when Ralph gets frustrated. He seems to stay calm and just want to help, and have some enjoyment in their situation.
After reading the first three chapters of Lord of the Flies, I am kind of confused. There are so many details in the book that haven't been explained yet. Ralph seems like a natural born leader but because of the little ones, he can't seem to keep the entire group under control. Everyone just seems to be doing what they want. I think that Jack thinks he knows best so he doesn't listen to Ralph either. It's almost as if Simon has two personalities. First he is all willing to help, and then he his sneaking through the woods. Piggy has just given up on Ralph because of his childish ways. Piggy seems to be the "grownup" in the group, but he hasn't been given the chance to prove it. Piggy is essential to their survival. Hopefully the rest of the book won't be as confusing.
My initial reaction to the book was one of confusion, since you have to read further in the book to find out what happened in the past. Ralph is focused on getting rescued, so he always worries about the fire, whereas Jack is obsessed with hunting and killing. I think this difference in priority will cause lots of arguments between Jack and Ralph. Also, Ralph is used to being the leader, so he is not happy with the situation of Ralph being the chief. He is placated by his authority over the choir, but I think he will eventually separate from the main group with his hunters and form another "tribe."Simon made a sort of cabin for himself separate from the others, and I think he is hiding something from them. either the other boys will find out what it is he is hiding, or his separation from the other boys will result in his death by a wild animal.Piggy is obsessed with the shell, even though it has never really been of much help to him. The shell is only respected when it is wielded by someone with authority, so when Piggy raves about how he has the shell so he can talk, nobody cares and nobody listens. I think the shell will eventually become a worthless item, but Piggy will still obsess over it, since it is his only claim to any power.
My initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is that it is strange. So far, it is a good story, however it is very random. It has a strange story line and started of kind of boring, but I think it is going to start picking up soon. The characters Piggy, Jack, Ralph, and Simon are all going to play a major roles through out the story. I think that the kids are going to be stranded on the island for a very long time. I think eventually Simon, Jack, and Ralph are going to run out of food. They are going to kill Piggy and eat him. I think this because, from the beginning the three of them did not like Piggy and also, he is the meatiest. Once Piggy is gone, then Ralph, Jack, and Simon will be killed by “the creepers.” I’m not really sure what the creepers are, but I get the vibe that they are going to harm the main characters tremendously in the end. I am greatly looking forward to reading the rest of the Lord Of The Flies, and can’t wait to see how it ends!
My initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is different than any other book that I have ever read... It gives me a sense of adventure but also a sense of strange change and difference. This book puzzles me at the same time that it intriges me. I love how the writing is suspensfull and you can find lots of literary elements that key to what is going to happen (foreshaddowing). The plot is strange and I get the feeling that many conflicts will arise in this book, especially between characters. In this case I am talking about Jack, Ralph, and Piggy. They are all different and in thier own minds, have seperate ideas about what they should be doing. Piggy is more secure, wanting to get off the island as soon as possible. Ralph just wants to stay the leader as long as possible, and Jack also wants to be a leader. Simon is probobly at this point, my favorite because he is helpful and nice to piggy. We will see how the rest of the book turns out, cause I think things are about to get violent!!!
After completing the first three chapters of Lord of the Flies, my initial reaction is that the book is hard to understand and I've had to reread a few parts from the book to somewhat comprehend it. I think the way the book is written is confusing and isn't how most books are worded. Further into the book, I think Jack and Ralph will fight over who's authority is stronger, which will cause problems on the island and possibly split the boys into two fueding groups. Also, I believe Piggy isn't being appreciated for his ideas and intelligence. This may cause Piggy to cause trouble with the other boys. Throughout the book, the boys main goal is to 'hunt the pigs.' I think this may be foreshadowing to something bad the boys might do to Piggy or something Piggy will do that will cause the other boys to despise him. Also, I don't think Piggy's past life has prepared him well for life on the island, which could cause trouble later in the book. Also, I don't really know much about Simon, but I don't think he will cause any trouble among the islanders. He seems like a nice kid who helps the littler boys on the island. I think the book has a good plot, but the way it's told is hard to understand and doesn't give us much information that would help the reader understand the book better.
My initial reaction to The Lord of the Flies is that it is awkward to read because of how random it is. But, somehow the book has managed to keep me wanting to know more. Such as, how the author hints at these "creepers" but still did not revealed what they are.
Although I have only read the first few chapters, I believe that Ralph will be the protagonist in this story, while Jack seems to be trying to compete with Ralph's leadership. Jack's characteristics seem very barbaric, while Simon seems to be good natured but possibly hiding something. Piggy always seems to think rationally, but the group seem's to disregard him.
I am not sure what I expect to happen, but I hope they explain what the "creepers" are, what the "scar" is. And, also I hope to know what year this takes place in, and why no one is panicking.
My initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is that it will be slightly confusing, but still a good book. I think that Piggy, the smart one but often picked on, will be rejected by his peers. Simon is very obedient, and I think he will get hurt by a peer whose common sense was lost for a moment. Ralph is a leader, but unlike Jack, people like him. I think he will become the true chief of the group. Since Jack is demanding, arrogant, and slightly rude...I think that he too will be rejected by the group because of his actions.
When I first started to read Lord of the Flies, I had no idea what anyone was talking about. After I started to read the book a little more, though, I could start to understand what was going on. I still feel like the auther could have done a little better job of explaining because I sense that a lot of people could drop the book after the first couple of chapters. I feel like I understand all of the characters except for Simon. I think that Piggy is the smartest but has a personality that could be costly to his staus with the group. He also is overweight and is nothing without his glasses so I think that he will be among the first to be killed. Ralph is a different story. I believe that he will become the true leader of the kids. I see in the future that Ralph and Jack will but heads at some point because they both want to be leaders. Eventually, I think Jack might be turned on because of his arrogant personality. All I know about Simon is that he will be obedient to authority. As for what the characters represent, I think that Piggy represents intelligence in place of physical shape, Ralph represents leadership, Jack represents authority, and Simon represents obedience to authority.
After what Jack said in fourth hour I really wasn't looking forward to reading this book, however, I have found this whole story about kids surviving alone to be quite interesting. I find Piggy to be the outcast of the group and maybe the unlikely hero to be of the story. I believe that Simon, Ralph, and Jack all represent the brawn of the group and may end up dueling for the position as leader of the refugees while the rest of the children just wait for more instructions on what they should be doing. As far as the fate of the characters may go, I believe that Piggy may end up rising to the occasion or dying but I don't belive he could play out to be in the middle. The other three, I believe will be picked off by nature or eachother until only one remains the leader.
"Lord of the Flies", the first time the book title was introduced to me in class I was instantly baffled by why the author had picked such a series of words to describe his novel and had made some presumptions about the book being very different than any of the others I have read. Though remembering when entering a new novel going in with a clear and open mind is a better way to involve yourself in the reading rather than judging it right off the bat, I put my initial thoughts behind me. So when first immersing myself in the book I found that it doesn't give the reader a lot go to from up front, it slowly leads into things and leaves you still guessing 60 pages in about things that were mentioned in the beginning such as "the creepers" and "the scar". Also, it is difficult to wrap your head around unless you reread and have no distractions around you, sort of like you have to be phased in the book or completely not connecting with it. Speaking of characters: Ralph is a very important figure he has been labeled chief in the meantime, but after a while the authority Ralph has over Jack I believe will finally get to him and create huge conflict between the Choir group (Jack's posse) and the rest of the group (Ralph's followers). Then there is sweet, sensitive, Piggy that no one pays attention to even when he see's things from a more mature stand point, I just know that they are taking for granted and missing out on all the vital input that Piggy can provide for them as a character. Ralph being the leader and all, he sets the tone for how they will survive and he hasn't stepped up to the plate, his mind is so set on enjoying time away from adults, having fun, and inducing humor into everything that soon it will come back to bite him in the butt and jeopardize their hopes to being rescued. While Simon appears to me as the odd ball of the three main leaders, not obsessed with ruling the whole group, actually the opposite isolated from the group he just seems suspicious.I also believe that they aren't addressing the fact that there was a "beastie" seen by a group member that could be a ruthless animal. There is a lot of room left for the author to throw many curve balls and reveal more about the boys of the island,but I don't know it could get messy!
My initial reaction to "Lord of the Flies" was that the iland is full of tension and will soon explode in a turf war for power. Piggy seems to have the most common sense in what to do but dosen't bring any air of authority so he gets dominated by the other main players. Ralph seems to not to enjoy being cheif because of the constant tension between seperate groups of opionion on what to do. he seems to have leader capability but hasn't showed assertiveness yet. Jack is the most power hungry person on the island and has the most defined personality so far. He doesn't really help the rest of the group and just does what he wants usually hunt because of his greed. Simon has a kind heart and seems to want to help to improve their situation when he can. I think the iland will soon explode in a power struggle with several defined groups being established soon
In this book, The Lord of the Flies, Piggie, Jack, Ralph, and Simon all try to take the lead. I thought this just made the island more disorganized, especially because everyone there basically decided to do their own thing. Piggie instantly gained my sympathy because he had the idea to use the shell and Ralph got all the credit, and eventually became chief. Jack's personality is very demanding, especially with the choir group. He acts like he controls them and now that is starting to affect the order on the island. Simon seems quiet; however I think he is going to end up playing a major role in the story and changing the outcome of certain events. My initial response is that there needs to be more control and teamwork on the island or else it’s not going to end well for everyone living there.
When I first began to read this book I said to myself "this is the weirdest book I have ever read!" but as time went on it has really grown on me! The amount of figurative language this book has is amazing to me! There are at least 5 examples on every two pages! The characters in this book are equally fascinating. The author describes them so well it feels like you actually know them! Since we are only in the first part of the book it’s hard to determine what will happen to all the characters but I have a small idea. Ralph: He is the leader, everyone looks up to him. However, he does not make the very best decisions and he does things that he regrets later. This will effect him later in the book because he will act before he thinks (fire), which may get him into a lot of trouble with either the other boys, or nature. Piggy: I have to admit it, I feel extremely sorry for this character. He is constantly made fun of and not allowed to speak. Everyone calls him fatty and tells him to shut up constantly! However, he is one of my favorite characters. He is the only one that actually thinks rationally and is acting more mature then every one else. What I think lies in his future is that he will get tired of being so abused and eventually remove himself from the situation and take some people with him. He will eventually start a fight against the other boys, and because of his great wits he will eventually win. Or he will end up taking charge over all the boys, when they realize that Ralph is unfit. Jack: He reminds me of a loud mouth at school, or someone who thinks they are better then everyone else. He is even getting on Ralph’s nerves a little bit. What I think will happen to him later in the book is that, he will stay with Ralph and do what he says for a while, and just be his right hand man, but eventually, he will get tired of always being a follower and try to become leader. Simon: He seems like the brainy one to me. He will be very valuable to Ralph, so he will stay for a while. However he does seem like he gets distracted easily and as Ralph put it he’s just a little “weird”. At the moment I”m thinking that Piggy represents us at our weakest point and how we are really insecure and sometimes we just want our voices to be heard. I really enjoy this book so far and I’m excited to keep reading it!
I am on the fence about LOF so far. It is slow right now and I really hope it will speed up and become more detailed and explained. Ralph is a natural leader and very confident in his ways. Jack is very much like Ralph so I expect to see much fighting between the two throughout LOF. Piggy is smart and cautious, but lacks the confidence to get himself heard and respected. I think he will be a great asset when something big happens. Simon has not been described to thoroughly yet. He seems like he could be a supportive member in the group if I was not suspicious that he is hiding something very big. I can't wait for the story to get rolling and find out what Simon is hiding, if Piggy will ever speak up, and to see what comes from the tension between Ralph and Jack, or if they keep the brotherly attitude towards each other!
My initial reaction to "Lord of the Flies" is that it is a confusing and very oddly paced book. At one moment I would be reading a slow and excessively detailed paragraph, then the next would be two sentences that would cover and enormous amount of time. I feel as though Piggy will eventually do something, like stand up for himself, and it will change the course of the book. Because right now he is pretty much being emotionally abused and it is obvious that it is hurting him. Also, I think Jack's pride and short temper are going to cause other boys to dislike him. I think Simon will have the most positive mindset of the group and will be liked by many. He is quiet and enjoys the beauty of life. Finally, I think Ralph and Jack are going to get into some sort of conflict, and Ralph will eventually come out on top, because he has the all of the boys, other than the choir, backing him up.
From the beginning I loved the book. I quite enjoy the way the boys bicker amongst themselves (it is very entertaining). I also enjoyed the contrast between the way that the boys talk and the descriptive paragraphs in between. I did, however, have to take some time to calm down after they lit the entire forest on fire because I was so angry at the characters. I would say that my favorite thing about it is the expert way it comments on human nature.
I think that Piggy epitomizes the really smart but unpopular boy who is always looking for attention from others. Ralph, while at first glance a great choice for leader has some serious leadership flaws, the major one being his inability to listen to everyone in his group before deciding something. Jack is a poor leader and a typical adventurous boy who is more concerned with having fun than surviving (not to mention the fact that his debilitating comments to other boys have a significant adverse effects) Simon, while he started out seeming like a misfit, seems actually intelligent, though quite good at hiding it.
Personally, I believe that one way or another they will all end up dead. They do not have the sense to listen to one another and work together to survive. Not only is their group fractured, but their leadership is flawed. Beyond that, they are too eager to do the exciting things and too reluctant to accomplish the necessary.
I loved the beginning of the book, and I cannot wait to see how the characters slowly change and ultimately (or at least so I believe) kill themselves.
My first reaction to LOF is how can they be so calm? THe only one that shows any concern for how they will survive and what happened to them is Piggy. I have a strong feeling Piggy will probably die being the only one who has reason. I think that Jack and Ralph will have some sort of power struggle and one of them will die. Simon I think will survive to the end.
Thus far, I have enjoyed reading Lord of the Flies. I do agree with my classmates that it has been somewhat confusing at times, but also very well written with wonderful vocabulary. I think the author has done a good job introducing us to the main characters. Ralph has been very rude to Piggy and seems very cruel to him at times. Also, I have noticed that he is a fan of the hierarchy they have established, probably because he is the leader. I don't believe Ralph is the ideal leader because of his temper and inability to listen to others. Jack would not be a good leader either. He is resistant to listen to the boys opinions especially Piggy's. He is obviously not the only boy who is not terribly fond on Piggy which is a shame because Piggy has some insightful ideas. I look forward to seeing what becomes of the boys stranded on the island.
This book is a great piece of literature so far. My favorite part of any book is comparing the ideas set forth in the book to those of the time period. Written in the fifties, this book mentions atomic war breaking out outside the confines of the island. That really shows the mindsets of the people from that time. I just live for this stuff! As for the characters, it seems that Ralph is the natural leader of the group. He obviously wants order but doesn't know exactly how to achieve that. Piggy, on the other hand, knows exactly how to make order within the society, but doesn't exactly know how to command anyone to listen to him. Simon seems to represent tranquility because he is constantly seeking a place to be at peace. Jack is almost the juxtaposition to Piggy. He knows, to an extent, how to gather followers. However, he does not seem to value order as much. His whole life is about hunting the bore and not about providing order or shelter to the people.
LOF starts with the reader guessing something I like. It creates a mysterious atmosphere making it more likable and a more entertaining read. Ralph is the natural leader with an air of confidence around him however he does not know how what to make the boys do to help the society. Piggy is the exact opposite he knows what will help the society but doesn’t know how to explain it thus no one listens. Jack is a leader but it is through force not logic. He is also more animal like, with his wild eyes and love for hunting. Simon appears the constant always calm, yet still a leader helping the little ones out.
My initial reaction to LOF was that it was going to be like "Swiss Family Robinson" because i just happened to watch it a couple days ago! It seems interesting and a little bit like the show "Survivor" but without all the rules. From the start Piggy is made fun of and i think throughout the book he will be excluded. I think that Jack be the leader because he thinks that he is the best, but eventually everyone will get sick of his bossy attitude! Ralph seems the most normal out of the boys, I think that his character will emerge to be a great leader. However, before that he needs to figure out how to help all the boys. Simon seams like he will be the most consistent throughout the book, not having any breakdowns but always trying to stay at peace.
My initial reaction to LOF is okay. I thought the way they got on the island was a little dumb but it is okay. I think Piggy, the only smart one, will be rejected by the group and something horrible will happen to him. Ralph, Simon, and Jack seem to be three people with totally different personalities but, would be 3 great leaders. I think that will cause some tension, with all of them wanting to lead but, I hope it will work out.
ReplyDeleteI think that the Lord of the Flies is going to be an okay book. I don't think it is going to be the most exciting book I read all year, but i'm sure i'll learn something from it. I belive that Piggy is going to get hurt or something, because he is always trying to get the groups attention. Also, I believe that when something happens to Piggy, its going to make Ralph and Jack realize that they do need him and in some situations, they should've listened to him. Simon is different than all the others in the group. I believe that Simon is hiding something. Wether its something small, like food and water. Or something big like a way to get off the island or shelter and/or matches. I think that with these three to four characters trying to get the spotlight and be the leaders of the group, there will be alot going on between them.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is pretty good, the book doesn't seem too exciting or off track, (off track could be a bad thing) but it isn't as boring as other books I've read. I think that eventually Ralph and Jack might argue over control, but I doubt that Piggy or Simon will try to gain leadership. Piggy doesn't have anyone fully on his side and seems scared of Jack. He would make a relatively weak leader. Simon seems obedient and hardworking, he seems content to do his part in the groups future, but is satisfied with Ralph as chief. Jack seems in total disregard for Piggy, not really acknowledging that he's there unless it's to complain about him or put him down. He seems obsessed with hunting a pig, ever since he was too scared to kill the piglet trapped in the vines. I think that Ralph is a good leader, but that he will come to rely more and more on Piggy's brainpower in the future. Even though he would be my top pick for leader, there will probably still be situations that he will have extreme difficulty facing. I don’t think that the book is completely practical, for example it would be unlikely that so many boys would survive the plane wreck, and that a piglet native to an area covered in vines would get trapped, but the point of LOF isn’t really to tell a story, but to explain a concept or idea, so these details probably are meant to enhance the book not verify it’s validity. My overall opinion of the book is that it will be a fairly interesting read.
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying Lord of the Flies so far. With the mention of the creepers on the first page and not much mention of the actual crash and what happened to the plane, I was intrigued and wanted to read more. You said in class that many things in the story reminded you of LOST, and I can't agree more. I love LOST, so I am excited to see what other text-to-text similarities there are. My first thought of Ralph was that he was simple and not yet concerned with the aspect of being stranded on an island. I believe that he took the right approach calling the rest of the boys by blowing the conch. It appears as if he has generally good thoughts on what should be happening, but has trouble making it happen, like the making of the shelters. I don't think that the seriousness of the situation has sunk in with most of the boys - they are eating fruit and swimming and having a jolly time. Piggy started of as a bit annoying, but I think that is one of the smartest and most mature of the boys. I believe that all of the rest of them, including Jack and Ralph, should listen to what he has to say. I believe that Jack is also leader material, but I think that there will be conflict between him and Ralph, fighting over power. Jack seemed extremely confident in the beginning of the story, and it seems to me that that the confidence is decreasing with time and experience. Simon seems like a simple guy. The end of chapter three really had me thinking - what was he doing? What was he hiding? Why was he alone?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am wondering about the creepers. The details concerning them have me thinking different thoughts about them and what they are every time they come up. I would really like to know what the deal is with the creepers!
I am looking forward to continue reading Lord of the Flies!
Even though i have only read the first couple of chapters of Lord of the Flies, I am not that impressed with the book. I find it very confusing and difficult to understand, and if the book continues to like this, I don't think I am going to like it very much. As for the characters, i think that Ralph and Jack will be the two best suited for life on the island, because they were both leaders of their little groups, so they know how to take care of themselves and other people. Piggy I'm a little more worried about. He seems like the kind of kid that relies on other people to take care of him, so I don't know how well he can cope if he doesn't have anyone to look after him. As for Simon, I don't really know what to think about him. He hasn't really jumped out at me yet as an important character in the story, but we'll see what happens as the book goes along.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first began reading LOF I didn't enjoy it very much, but the story is beginning to pick up and become more interesting. The story isn't very realistic considering how many small children survived and how all adults died, but LOF relies more on imagination. Piggy is an extremely bright and realistic character but Jack and Ralph refuse to listen to him. Something will mostly likely happen on the island that will cause Jack and Ralph to recognize Piggy as an essential contribution to their survival. Simon is an interesting and mysterious character that is hiding something from the rest of the group that may impact their survival or could split the group of boys. Jack and Ralph are becoming closer but Jack threatens Ralph as leader and may eventually steal Ralph's leadership. Jack is very rude and dismissal of Piggy and Ralph recognizes him a little bit more but overall ignores him. Ralph and Jack’s attempt in controlling the group of boys will fail and total ciaos will take place as more time passes and they realize that rescue isn’t coming any time soon.
ReplyDeleteAt first I wasn't that interested in Lord of the Flies, but now I am more interested than I was before. I think that Ralph and Jack both definitely have leadership skills, but Jack will be trying to fight for leadership skills and possibly even succeed to obtain leadership, because Jack seems more manipulative than Ralph and will do anything to get what he wants. I think that both Simon and Piggy are important characters, but Simon will get a lot more acknowledgement than Piggy, because he isn't obese. However, I don't think that Simon will get all the acknowledgement he deserves. The name Simon means "one who hears" so I think that he will find out stuff eventually and keep quiet in order to not make Jack mad. I think that Jack is a manipulative wannabe leader, Ralph is a naive to Jack's manipulation, Piggy is the intelligent one who might be able to solve a few problems if they give him a chance, and Simon is "the one who hears"
ReplyDeleteLOF is slightly confusing and throws the reader around a lot; I expect it to be the kind of book that really will not make sense until the end. However, once everything makes sense, it will be a book that I will want to read again in order to understand symbolism that I may be glossing over right now because it does not seam relevant. It is a good book though, and I enjoy the challenge of trying to pinpoint climactic moments. I expect that Ralph will become somewhat of a tragic hero because his hubris will eventually lead to his downfall. Piggy is an essencial part of this story. So far, I think he represents a voice of mature reasoning that everyone is pushing aside but will soon have to listen to or perish. Simon I have not figured out yet. He seems to stick by Ralph and appear content on the outside, but on the inside there is something dangerous brewing. Jack also represents a sort of co-leader to Ralph because he has the authority to boss Piggy around and the community respects him. However, he seems to be all talk and doesn't take action. I like this book, but I think it will get better as the story progresses.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to Lord Of The Flies is that it is going to be a weird book. The main thing that caught me off guard was the fact that there are absolutely no adults left on the island. I realize that the plane is mainly filled with boys who are being evacuated during the war, but the pilot should not be the only adult on the plane nor the only one to die. I also find this book to be quite confusing. I cannot seem to figure out what the point of view is, that this book is written in. So far, I have encountered 3rd person, but I believe there are some hits of 1st person and omniscient, so I am looking forward to reading more and figuring out what the true point of view is. Of the four main characters we have been introduced to, I am not real fond of Ralph. He's kind of a mean person and bullies Piggy a bit, but I believe he will make a great leader. I'm not really sure what to think about Jack and Simon yet. I find it bizarre that Golding decided to bring a choir into the book and that they were a part of it. As for Piggy, I enjoy him. I feel he is a rather interesting character. Piggy is very intelligent but doesn't completely get to show it, and for that I think he deserves some respect. I expect some drastic event to happen to this group of young boys that will lead them to have to rely on each other and learn to use each one of their gifts to the best of their abilities.
ReplyDeleteMy first reaction to the Lord of the Flies is that I think it is going to be a great book. And I'm not just saying that, I am actually really enjoying it, and keep enjoying it as I read further. One question that keeps nagging me, though, is if the pilot died or not. I'm pretty sure he's gone, but it seems odd that they wouldn't find any trace of him after the plane crash. Also, it seems odd that the boys were barely touched or scarred when they crashed. If the only adult had died, the pilot, then shouldn't the boys be scratched? Or at the least bit have cuts or bruises? With the characters i've been introduced to, I have a plan made up in my head about them. I believe that Ralph, as the cheif of the group, will eventually get over-whelmed with the stress of having to control so many little children. He will eventually give his power to Jack, who will probably do something horribly wrong, knowing that Jack is already very power-seeking and overcontroling. I know that Piggy is probably the smartest of the bunch, and therefore will probably help in somesort of darastic situation. But, I believe that he is the "underdog" of the group, and will be ganged up on eventually. Also, I'm very suspicious of Simon. It seems that he's sneaking around a lot, and that he's trying to hide something. I'm excited to read on to know what happens, or to find out what he's hiding.
ReplyDeleteMy initial thoughts about Lord of the Flies are that it is going to be an interesting book. It is hard to tell what will happen from this point in the story, but it will definitely take some unexpected twists and turns. Ralph is a character of many mysteries. He is a little hard to decipher. Jack definitely has the authoritative voice in this story, but he will have to fight for it, as some people don't respect him as much as they could. Piggy has a lot of ideas that may not be plausible, but are a good start. He always wants to be heard in meetings and in decisions. Simon is probably going to be the one of which they take advantage, over and over again. He is the smallest and the easiest to command. In the first chapter, Golding sets the scene in which this civilization functions. The boys are still unsure of how to behave without any adult around to oversee them. In chapter two, the boys, especially Piggy, know that they must act with order if they are to be rescued. But on the mountain, order shatters when one of the boys is apparently burned to death in the fiery forest. In chapter three, the conflict Jack and Ralph are going to have builds. It mirrors the thematic conflict of the novel in general. This is the problem between civilization and savagery, which is still weighted heavily on the civilization side. Also, Simon shows his kind and generous nature through his actions in this chapter. He indicates his helpfulness by doing the responsible thing instead of goofing off with the rest of the boys. He marvels at the beauty of nature when he sits in the forest for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI will be interested to see where this story goes in the coming chapters, because at the moment, it is very unclear!
When I started to read The Lord of the Flies, this is what went through my mind, "What? This makes no sense!" After reading a little longer everything started to make sense. Now I think that the story will get a lot better. I know the main characters and now I can focus more on the plot and understanding the characters. I think Ralph and Jack will be he main leaders. They will eventually make two separate groups and turn on each other. Although Piggy is very smart and could be useful to all of the kids, i think he will become an outcast and end up being killed first. Simon is the hardest for me. He could end up becoming the chief when Ralph and Jack turn on each other, or he could take a side in the end and make that side the most powerful. Either way he will be an important character in this story. This will be an interesting read!
ReplyDeleteWhen I first began reading, the plot was not at all what I expected. I had pictured an exciting plane crash and the story of how the kids are the only survivors; which was not at all what happened. I think that Ralph and Jack will have a lot of competition over the position as true leader, which could possibly lead to death later in the book. I think Piggy has the wisdom to lead, but not the respect of the others, nor the leadership qualities Ralph and Jack possess. Simon is still a bit of a mystery to me. He has the makings of a character that will play a large part later in the book, but what that part is, I can't be sure.
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ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to the lord of the Flies was that it was very hard to follow. No where did it really give an answer on many questions. The only way i have understood anything is by inferring. For example they always mention the scar and how their plane crashed on the island, but nowhere does it say where that plane was going or why. Although I have enjoyed Piggy and his attempts to lead the group, only to be shot down by Ralph. I hope the book gets better and more understandable as I continue.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to Lord Of The Flies was that it was going to be very interesting. I expected an exciting story about some boys being stranded on an island after a descriptive and traumatic plane crash, but the author remained very vague about the plane crash. However, this did not happen, instead the author foreshadows and describes the characters in a way to make you think but is still exciting and interesting. The author gives the reader as much information as the boys in the book know. It helps me connect and feel what they feel. Ralph and Jack seem to be very similar because they will both have qualities of leaders, like, reassurance and guidance. Jack seems very determined to prove himself worthy, he does this by trying to hunt a pig and abuse his power as second leader. Ralph seems like he will enjoy the power he is given and abuse it. He already acts like he knows everything and he is almighty ruler who is allowed to do anything. Simon seems like he will be the best leader instead of Ralph or Jack. He is quiet, intelligent, and he thinks before he acts. However, I don't think his leadership will shine until the end of the book because Jack and Ralph will be in control until then. I predict that something bad will happen to Piggy. He is being used and he doesn't deserve it. He is the one who has already been mistreated and it seems that the society rules don't include him. I think this foreshadows how the leaders will abuse their powers and bend the rules for their own benefit like in Animal Farm. Simon could represent a quiet leader who is not noticed until the end. Jack and Ralph could represent dictators who abuse their powers. Piggy could represent the first victim of a wrong society.
ReplyDeleteI think the book is not very eventful yet. No big animal attacks or events have taken place. If this continues I dont't believe the book will be very intresting. Piggy is the smart neglected one in the group. Ralph I think is going to be the first one to face conflict. He is more of the main character. Jack might turn on Ralph because he wants the leadership. Simon will grow to be a stronger leader. The characters will become clearer as the book progresses.
ReplyDeleteMy first impression of Lord of the Flies, was that I can tell there will be a major lesson at the end. Although, there are definitly some confusing parts that are still big questions. Like the creepers and the scar? I think that Piggy is the most intelligent so far and if they keep discriminating and leaving him out then they will miss out on some important information. I think that Ralph is starting to become overwhelmed with the role of leadership and will need some help. Jack acts like he know everything but I think inside he is actually scared and needs direction. I am excited to see where this book goes and how it ends!
ReplyDeleteMy initial response of "Lord of the Flies" was pretty good. It's not my favorite book but it is enjoyable. After reading the first three chapters, I think that the character are going to have many conflicts between themselves, each other, and the island. So far, Ralph has become their leader with Jack and Simon sort of like his right hand men. I think Jack might try to steal the leadership from Ralph as the book goes on because he seems a little power hungry. Simon seems a little suspicious to me, like he's hiding something big. Also, Piggy doesn't really get along with them. He's been made fun of at meetings and not respected when he was holding the conch shell. But I think Piggy will become a very important character but it'll take something big for Ralph and Jack to realize how important he might be to getting off the island. But, the characters and their personalities will shine through more as the book goes on.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to 'Lord of the Flies' was half curiosity and half skepticism. On one hand, I am definitely anticipating reading into this book- there is a bit of sinister foreshadowing and the story could go in many directions. But on the other hand, the plot isn't all that original (survivors of a plane crash on a deserted island) and the actions of the boys all seem a bit odd. It might just be because the book is set back in the 1930's. As for the characters, they are all very complex. Ralph comes off as innocent and optimistic, while playing the role of leader. He seems reluctant to really force the other boys to work. Jack desires power and doesn't enjoy looking weak- his reaction to the caught piglet proves that. His determination to kill the pig is worrying, because it would open him to bloodshed and could be a direct correlation to Piggy. Piggy is clearly insecure but quite intelligent; he is also displaying a tendency to rub people the wrong way. Despite his actual usefulness, Jack's dislike for Piggy could predict some frightening consequences. Simon seems to be inoffensive, seeing as he pulls his weight and follows orders. However, his place in the middle of the other three could put him in the line of fire. I look forward to reading more of the book and seeing how the story plays out.
ReplyDeleteThe title Lord of the Flies caught me off guard because, so far, it has nothing to do with the plot yet. Also, when Ralph blew into the conch shell at the beginning, I expected there to be adult survivors. So far, this book has a surprise on almost every page! With the introduction of Ralph, I picked up that he is almost our age, if not younger. Piggy seems a little younger than Ralph. Piggy has the most logic out of everybody, but he is not understood/listened to. To me, he represents the underdog. I think that Piggy is going to hold through it all and eventually be heard by the group. I think Ralph and Jack fight too much, and perhaps they are going to get out of hand. Ralph is a good leader for the pack, and represents the foundation for the group. Jack is just a stuck-up school boy, and is somewhat of a coward because he can't even stab a pig without second thought while it scurries away. Simon is quiet, and this is an element of foreshadowing. I think that Simon knows something that the others don't. I can't wait to read on and discover more about these characters as the plot unfolds.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is that it’s very slow and, in some parts, very confusing. There are moments in the book where I am extremely uninterested about what is going on because of the way things are worded. I feel that sometimes the author adds unnecessary details that slow down the reading. I’m hoping the book will become more interesting as the story starts to move and the conflicts start arising. I think that Ralph and Jack will be good leaders and partners at the beginning, but as the story moves on, I suspect that they will have arguments about how things on the island are suppose to be run. I think that Piggy will create most of the conflict with the leaders, because, although he is trying to do the right thing, the small boys might take it the wrong way, feeling that he is disagreeing with their tactics. Simon, I feel, has not contributed to the story in a way that has impacted me. I think that he may be the character that just sits in the background.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to Lord of the Flies was that this book would be a relatively complicated book to read. I think that because the characters that have been introduced so far have very different personalities. Ralph seems to be a good leader but he has trouble getting people to help him set up a camp. This flaw may cause problems if the group of boys split into many groups.Jack seems to be a very strong minded person. I say this because he wants to do only what he was assigned, hunt for meat. Also he gets somewhat defensive when he is critisized. I think these to characters will dominate the plot making for a very convuluted plot that will decide who makes it off the island and who doesn't
ReplyDeleteMy in initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is that it will most likely be an exciting book. Right now I think that it is getting off to a pretty slow start. There has been very little action and the author didn’t include the plane crash, which would have helped readers get more into the book. The characters so far are all very different. Piggy is trying his best to get along but not having much success. He and Jack didn’t like each other from the very beginning and is becoming more and more stressed every minute. Jack thinks he is very important. I bet this will cause more conflict further on in the book. He seems to get in fights with every one about the littlest things and is making a lot of enemies. Ralph seems to be the leader and know what he is doing. He is very proud of his father in the Navy, but also this makes him over confident about knowing how to survive. Simon has his heart in the right place and is just trying to help everyone. He gets along with everyone. My feeling is that he will help solve the final conflict. I think each character represents a different side of a conflict and they are all externally different, but similar in many ways. These similarities will bring them together in the end.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to Lord of the Flies was that the book is VERY complexed and requires a lot of thinking and understanding to fully connect and stay on top of the plot. Several times throughout my reading, I had to re-read because I was so confused! Some parts stil don't make 100% sense to me, but hopefully it will all click as the plot continues. I agree with many of the previous comments, Ralph and Jack seem like dominant leaders. Both of them show these qualities throughout the first three chapters. I do think that Jack has a more agressive outlook on things then Ralph does. For instance, Jack is always chucking his knife into trees when he is upset and wants to get in control. Ralph is a little calmer and would rather yell at the group or snatch the conch when he has something to say. I feel really bad for Piggy. He is totally picked on and is the outcast of the group. I think that he is a great character who brings a humorous mood to the book. Simon seems very obidient, follows orders, pulls his weight and seems like a very simple character. But I get the sense from foreshadowing that Simon knows something that the others don't and he is hiding from them. I can't wait to read more!!
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to Lord of the Flies was that it is very confusing. It refers to “the creepers” and “the scar” which weren't really explained. Also, this book doesn't seem very exciting yet because the characters are exploring the island and conflicting with one another. Ralph seems like he will be the one to help out all the boys if something horrible occurs. I expect Piggy to be correct about all his inferences and the boys will learn that they are lucky to have Piggy especially Jack because he doesn't like Piggy so far. I don't really feel like I know Simon that well in this book. He just keeps to himself a lot. Jack will probably clash with Ralph later in Lord of the Flies because Jack wants to be in control so badly that he may do something unexpected to gain that power. I really want to see something exciting or eventful occur farther into this book.
ReplyDeleteSo far, Lord of the Flies is an okay book, but as the suspense and tension between the boys continues to build I think it will get better. The first three chapters left me with some questions like, "What year does the story take place?", "Why aren't there any adults on the island?", and "Why is nobody panicked?". Although, many of the boys were a little worried about being rescued or not, it didn't seem like any of them were sad or frightened about the fact that their plane just crashed and they are without adults. I am intersested to see how each character copes with living on their own. Jack seems like he is one of the main leaders of the group, along with Ralph, but there is also a dark menacing aspect to him. Piggy is the odd one being bullied by the other boys and I feel like eventually all his pent up anger towards them will result in violent actions. Lastly, I think Simon is the young, naive, and innocent boy striving to be a leader.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to Lord of The Flies was that I don’t really like it. The way the book is written is a lot different from what I tend to read. I cannot really tell what perspective this book is written from. But as for the story line it seams kind of cliché. A bunch of kids stranded on an island, and they aren’t sure if they will be rescued or not. Also when one of the little boys talks about seeing a monster it is an old foreshadowing cliché that obviously there is a monster but no one will believe him until someone is killed. So far I think that Ralph and Jack will start out as being good partners but sooner or later they will become to power hungry and end up getting read of the other person. The question is which one will end up in full power. As for Simon I think that his role so far isn’t to significant, he could possible get a bigger role later when more order is needed on the island. And poor little Piggy seems to be the only one on the island with a real need for order. I think his innocent and helpless personality will lead to his downfall. Because once things start becoming sketchy on the island the weak ones will go first.
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ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to LOF is that the book, so far, is very slow. All together it feels pretty empty; more like a day to day of nothing important. Also, the writing is confusing and is based on a lot of the reader's guessing, but it feels like everything, (story, characters, events), will come together in the end.
ReplyDeleteFor characters, I think that Ralph and Jack are a lot alike; both are aggressively in command leading by their own drives. I think something big is going to happen between the two boys. Simon, so far not being a key character, is the more caring, unselfish, an individual, and smart will turn to be a very influential character for the younger boys. Piggy is by far the smartest but will be put down the most out of any character because of looks. He is also the most adult of any character, (ahead of Simon)and will become a leader in the end. I hope that the characters develop along with the story and that the book will end excitingly
Danger is what came to mind when i read the first chapters of the book. Although no big events have occurred yet, i have a uneasy feeling about the upcoming chapters. A bunch of young and reckless boys are marrooned on a mysterious island. This situation is destined for disaster. With Ralph's new power, i think he will survive because he has shown no signs of great weakness yet. I believe Jack will not survive long because he has already shown signs of paranoia and he seems to be going crazy. Piggy seems very wise for his age and although he does not exactly fit in, i think he will be a major character in the future chapters. Simon is clearly up to no good, i think he will stick around for quite some time causing disturbances and mischief.
ReplyDeleteWhat first came to mind when i started the book, was how creative the author is... He took a common story of being stranded on an island, and elaborated and added on his own ideas, that make it very unique. It also seems like a very dark story. My opinion, is that later on in the book Jack and Ralph will continue butting heads, but will also become great friends. I also think that Piggy's importance and value will be proven more and more throughout the book. Simon is just hardworking in general. He helps Ralph when no other boys will, even when Ralph gets frustrated. He seems to stay calm and just want to help, and have some enjoyment in their situation.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the first three chapters of Lord of the Flies, I am kind of confused. There are so many details in the book that haven't been explained yet. Ralph seems like a natural born leader but because of the little ones, he can't seem to keep the entire group under control. Everyone just seems to be doing what they want. I think that Jack thinks he knows best so he doesn't listen to Ralph either. It's almost as if Simon has two personalities. First he is all willing to help, and then he his sneaking through the woods. Piggy has just given up on Ralph because of his childish ways. Piggy seems to be the "grownup" in the group, but he hasn't been given the chance to prove it. Piggy is essential to their survival. Hopefully the rest of the book won't be as confusing.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to the book was one of confusion, since you have to read further in the book to find out what happened in the past. Ralph is focused on getting rescued, so he always worries about the fire, whereas Jack is obsessed with hunting and killing. I think this difference in priority will cause lots of arguments between Jack and Ralph. Also, Ralph is used to being the leader, so he is not happy with the situation of Ralph being the chief. He is placated by his authority over the choir, but I think he will eventually separate from the main group with his hunters and form another "tribe."Simon made a sort of cabin for himself separate from the others, and I think he is hiding something from them. either the other boys will find out what it is he is hiding, or his separation from the other boys will result in his death by a wild animal.Piggy is obsessed with the shell, even though it has never really been of much help to him. The shell is only respected when it is wielded by someone with authority, so when Piggy raves about how he has the shell so he can talk, nobody cares and nobody listens. I think the shell will eventually become a worthless item, but Piggy will still obsess over it, since it is his only claim to any power.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is that it is strange. So far, it is a good story, however it is very random. It has a strange story line and started of kind of boring, but I think it is going to start picking up soon. The characters Piggy, Jack, Ralph, and Simon are all going to play a major roles through out the story. I think that the kids are going to be stranded on the island for a very long time. I think eventually Simon, Jack, and Ralph are going to run out of food. They are going to kill Piggy and eat him. I think this because, from the beginning the three of them did not like Piggy and also, he is the meatiest. Once Piggy is gone, then Ralph, Jack, and Simon will be killed by “the creepers.” I’m not really sure what the creepers are, but I get the vibe that they are going to harm the main characters tremendously in the end. I am greatly looking forward to reading the rest of the Lord Of The Flies, and can’t wait to see how it ends!
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is different than any other book that I have ever read... It gives me a sense of adventure but also a sense of strange change and difference. This book puzzles me at the same time that it intriges me. I love how the writing is suspensfull and you can find lots of literary elements that key to what is going to happen (foreshaddowing). The plot is strange and I get the feeling that many conflicts will arise in this book, especially between characters. In this case I am talking about Jack, Ralph, and Piggy. They are all different and in thier own minds, have seperate ideas about what they should be doing. Piggy is more secure, wanting to get off the island as soon as possible. Ralph just wants to stay the leader as long as possible, and Jack also wants to be a leader. Simon is probobly at this point, my favorite because he is helpful and nice to piggy. We will see how the rest of the book turns out, cause I think things are about to get violent!!!
ReplyDeleteAfter completing the first three chapters of Lord of the Flies, my initial reaction is that the book is hard to understand and I've had to reread a few parts from the book to somewhat comprehend it. I think the way the book is written is confusing and isn't how most books are worded. Further into the book, I think Jack and Ralph will fight over who's authority is stronger, which will cause problems on the island and possibly split the boys into two fueding groups. Also, I believe Piggy isn't being appreciated for his ideas and intelligence. This may cause Piggy to cause trouble with the other boys. Throughout the book, the boys main goal is to 'hunt the pigs.' I think this may be foreshadowing to something bad the boys might do to Piggy or something Piggy will do that will cause the other boys to despise him. Also, I don't think Piggy's past life has prepared him well for life on the island, which could cause trouble later in the book. Also, I don't really know much about Simon, but I don't think he will cause any trouble among the islanders. He seems like a nice kid who helps the littler boys on the island. I think the book has a good plot, but the way it's told is hard to understand and doesn't give us much information that would help the reader understand the book better.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to The Lord of the Flies is that it is awkward to read because of how random it is. But, somehow the book has managed to keep me wanting to know more. Such as, how the author hints at these "creepers" but still did not revealed what they are.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I have only read the first few chapters, I believe that Ralph will be the protagonist in this story, while Jack seems to be trying to compete with Ralph's leadership. Jack's characteristics seem very barbaric, while Simon seems to be good natured but possibly hiding something. Piggy always seems to think rationally, but the group seem's to disregard him.
I am not sure what I expect to happen, but I hope they explain what the "creepers" are, what the "scar" is. And, also I hope to know what year this takes place in, and why no one is panicking.
My initial reaction to Lord of the Flies is that it will be slightly confusing, but still a good book. I think that Piggy, the smart one but often picked on, will be rejected by his peers. Simon is very obedient, and I think he will get hurt by a peer whose common sense was lost for a moment. Ralph is a leader, but unlike Jack, people like him. I think he will become the true chief of the group. Since Jack is demanding, arrogant, and slightly rude...I think that he too will be rejected by the group because of his actions.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first started to read Lord of the Flies, I had no idea what anyone was talking about. After I started to read the book a little more, though, I could start to understand what was going on. I still feel like the auther could have done a little better job of explaining because I sense that a lot of people could drop the book after the first couple of chapters. I feel like I understand all of the characters except for Simon. I think that Piggy is the smartest but has a personality that could be costly to his staus with the group. He also is overweight and is nothing without his glasses so I think that he will be among the first to be killed. Ralph is a different story. I believe that he will become the true leader of the kids. I see in the future that Ralph and Jack will but heads at some point because they both want to be leaders. Eventually, I think Jack might be turned on because of his arrogant personality. All I know about Simon is that he will be obedient to authority. As for what the characters represent, I think that Piggy represents intelligence in place of physical shape, Ralph represents leadership, Jack represents authority, and Simon represents obedience to authority.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I think that creepers are the thorny vegetation
ReplyDeleteAfter what Jack said in fourth hour I really wasn't looking forward to reading this book, however, I have found this whole story about kids surviving alone to be quite interesting. I find Piggy to be the outcast of the group and maybe the unlikely hero to be of the story. I believe that Simon, Ralph, and Jack all represent the brawn of the group and may end up dueling for the position as leader of the refugees while the rest of the children just wait for more instructions on what they should be doing. As far as the fate of the characters may go, I believe that Piggy may end up rising to the occasion or dying but I don't belive he could play out to be in the middle. The other three, I believe will be picked off by nature or eachother until only one remains the leader.
ReplyDelete"Lord of the Flies", the first time the book title was introduced to me in class I was instantly baffled by why the author had picked such a series of words to describe his novel and had made some presumptions about the book being very different than any of the others I have read. Though remembering when entering a new novel going in with a clear and open mind is a better way to involve yourself in the reading rather than judging it right off the bat, I put my initial thoughts behind me. So when first immersing myself in the book I found that it doesn't give the reader a lot go to from up front, it slowly leads into things and leaves you still guessing 60 pages in about things that were mentioned in the beginning such as "the creepers" and "the scar". Also, it is difficult to wrap your head around unless you reread and have no distractions around you, sort of like you have to be phased in the book or completely not connecting with it. Speaking of characters: Ralph is a very important figure he has been labeled chief in the meantime, but after a while the authority Ralph has over Jack I believe will finally get to him and create huge conflict between the Choir group (Jack's posse) and the rest of the group (Ralph's followers). Then there is sweet, sensitive, Piggy that no one pays attention to even when he see's things from a more mature stand point, I just know that they are taking for granted and missing out on all the vital input that Piggy can provide for them as a character. Ralph being the leader and all, he sets the tone for how they will survive and he hasn't stepped up to the plate, his mind is so set on enjoying time away from adults, having fun, and inducing humor into everything that soon it will come back to bite him in the butt and jeopardize their hopes to being rescued. While Simon appears to me as the odd ball of the three main leaders, not obsessed with ruling the whole group, actually the opposite isolated from the group he just seems suspicious.I also believe that they aren't addressing the fact that there was a "beastie" seen by a group member that could be a ruthless animal. There is a lot of room left for the author to throw many curve balls and reveal more about the boys of the island,but I don't know it could get messy!
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to "Lord of the Flies" was that the iland is full of tension and will soon explode in a turf war for power. Piggy seems to have the most common sense in what to do but dosen't bring any air of authority so he gets dominated by the other main players. Ralph seems to not to enjoy being cheif because of the constant tension between seperate groups of opionion on what to do. he seems to have leader capability but hasn't showed assertiveness yet. Jack is the most power hungry person on the island and has the most defined personality so far. He doesn't really help the rest of the group and just does what he wants usually hunt because of his greed. Simon has a kind heart and seems to want to help to improve their situation when he can. I think the iland will soon explode in a power struggle with several defined groups being established soon
ReplyDeleteIn this book, The Lord of the Flies, Piggie, Jack, Ralph, and Simon all try to take the lead. I thought this just made the island more disorganized, especially because everyone there basically decided to do their own thing. Piggie instantly gained my sympathy because he had the idea to use the shell and Ralph got all the credit, and eventually became chief. Jack's personality is very demanding, especially with the choir group. He acts like he controls them and now that is starting to affect the order on the island. Simon seems quiet; however I think he is going to end up playing a major role in the story and changing the outcome of certain events. My initial response is that there needs to be more control and teamwork on the island or else it’s not going to end well for everyone living there.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first began to read this book I said to myself "this is the weirdest book I have ever read!" but as time went on it has really grown on me! The amount of figurative language this book has is amazing to me! There are at least 5 examples on every two pages! The characters in this book are equally fascinating. The author describes them so well it feels like you actually know them! Since we are only in the first part of the book it’s hard to determine what will happen to all the characters but I have a small idea. Ralph: He is the leader, everyone looks up to him. However, he does not make the very best decisions and he does things that he regrets later. This will effect him later in the book because he will act before he thinks (fire), which may get him into a lot of trouble with either the other boys, or nature. Piggy: I have to admit it, I feel extremely sorry for this character. He is constantly made fun of and not allowed to speak. Everyone calls him fatty and tells him to shut up constantly! However, he is one of my favorite characters. He is the only one that actually thinks rationally and is acting more mature then every one else. What I think lies in his future is that he will get tired of being so abused and eventually remove himself from the situation and take some people with him. He will eventually start a fight against the other boys, and because of his great wits he will eventually win. Or he will end up taking charge over all the boys, when they realize that Ralph is unfit. Jack: He reminds me of a loud mouth at school, or someone who thinks they are better then everyone else. He is even getting on Ralph’s nerves a little bit. What I think will happen to him later in the book is that, he will stay with Ralph and do what he says for a while, and just be his right hand man, but eventually, he will get tired of always being a follower and try to become leader. Simon: He seems like the brainy one to me. He will be very valuable to Ralph, so he will stay for a while. However he does seem like he gets distracted easily and as Ralph put it he’s just a little “weird”. At the moment I”m thinking that Piggy represents us at our weakest point and how we are really insecure and sometimes we just want our voices to be heard. I really enjoy this book so far and I’m excited to keep reading it!
ReplyDeleteI am on the fence about LOF so far. It is slow right now and I really hope it will speed up and become more detailed and explained.
ReplyDeleteRalph is a natural leader and very confident in his ways.
Jack is very much like Ralph so I expect to see much fighting between the two throughout LOF.
Piggy is smart and cautious, but lacks the confidence to get himself heard and respected. I think he will be a great asset when something big happens.
Simon has not been described to thoroughly yet. He seems like he could be a supportive member in the group if I was not suspicious that he is hiding something very big.
I can't wait for the story to get rolling and find out what Simon is hiding, if Piggy will ever speak up, and to see what comes from the tension between Ralph and Jack, or if they keep the brotherly attitude towards each other!
My initial reaction to "Lord of the Flies" is that it is a confusing and very oddly paced book. At one moment I would be reading a slow and excessively detailed paragraph, then the next would be two sentences that would cover and enormous amount of time. I feel as though Piggy will eventually do something, like stand up for himself, and it will change the course of the book. Because right now he is pretty much being emotionally abused and it is obvious that it is hurting him. Also, I think Jack's pride and short temper are going to cause other boys to dislike him. I think Simon will have the most positive mindset of the group and will be liked by many. He is quiet and enjoys the beauty of life. Finally, I think Ralph and Jack are going to get into some sort of conflict, and Ralph will eventually come out on top, because he has the all of the boys, other than the choir, backing him up.
ReplyDeleteFrom the beginning I loved the book. I quite enjoy the way the boys bicker amongst themselves (it is very entertaining). I also enjoyed the contrast between the way that the boys talk and the descriptive paragraphs in between. I did, however, have to take some time to calm down after they lit the entire forest on fire because I was so angry at the characters. I would say that my favorite thing about it is the expert way it comments on human nature.
ReplyDeleteI think that Piggy epitomizes the really smart but unpopular boy who is always looking for attention from others. Ralph, while at first glance a great choice for leader has some serious leadership flaws, the major one being his inability to listen to everyone in his group before deciding something. Jack is a poor leader and a typical adventurous boy who is more concerned with having fun than surviving (not to mention the fact that his debilitating comments to other boys have a significant adverse effects) Simon, while he started out seeming like a misfit, seems actually intelligent, though quite good at hiding it.
Personally, I believe that one way or another they will all end up dead. They do not have the sense to listen to one another and work together to survive. Not only is their group fractured, but their leadership is flawed. Beyond that, they are too eager to do the exciting things and too reluctant to accomplish the necessary.
I loved the beginning of the book, and I cannot wait to see how the characters slowly change and ultimately (or at least so I believe) kill themselves.
My first reaction to LOF is how can they be so calm? THe only one that shows any concern for how they will survive and what happened to them is Piggy. I have a strong feeling Piggy will probably die being the only one who has reason. I think that Jack and Ralph will have some sort of power struggle and one of them will die. Simon I think will survive to the end.
ReplyDeleteThus far, I have enjoyed reading Lord of the Flies. I do agree with my classmates that it has been somewhat confusing at times, but also very well written with wonderful vocabulary. I think the author has done a good job introducing us to the main characters. Ralph has been very rude to Piggy and seems very cruel to him at times. Also, I have noticed that he is a fan of the hierarchy they have established, probably because he is the leader. I don't believe Ralph is the ideal leader because of his temper and inability to listen to others.
ReplyDeleteJack would not be a good leader either. He is resistant to listen to the boys opinions especially Piggy's. He is obviously not the only boy who is not terribly fond on Piggy which is a shame because Piggy has some insightful ideas.
I look forward to seeing what becomes of the boys stranded on the island.
This book is a great piece of literature so far. My favorite part of any book is comparing the ideas set forth in the book to those of the time period. Written in the fifties, this book mentions atomic war breaking out outside the confines of the island. That really shows the mindsets of the people from that time. I just live for this stuff!
ReplyDeleteAs for the characters, it seems that Ralph is the natural leader of the group. He obviously wants order but doesn't know exactly how to achieve that. Piggy, on the other hand, knows exactly how to make order within the society, but doesn't exactly know how to command anyone to listen to him. Simon seems to represent tranquility because he is constantly seeking a place to be at peace. Jack is almost the juxtaposition to Piggy. He knows, to an extent, how to gather followers. However, he does not seem to value order as much. His whole life is about hunting the bore and not about providing order or shelter to the people.
LOF starts with the reader guessing something I like. It creates a mysterious atmosphere making it more likable and a more entertaining read. Ralph is the natural leader with an air of confidence around him however he does not know how what to make the boys do to help the society. Piggy is the exact opposite he knows what will help the society but doesn’t know how to explain it thus no one listens. Jack is a leader but it is through force not logic. He is also more animal like, with his wild eyes and love for hunting. Simon appears the constant always calm, yet still a leader helping the little ones out.
ReplyDeleteMy initial reaction to LOF was that it was going to be like "Swiss Family Robinson" because i just happened to watch it a couple days ago! It seems interesting and a little bit like the show "Survivor" but without all the rules. From the start Piggy is made fun of and i think throughout the book he will be excluded. I think that Jack be the leader because he thinks that he is the best, but eventually everyone will get sick of his bossy attitude! Ralph seems the most normal out of the boys, I think that his character will emerge to be a great leader. However, before that he needs to figure out how to help all the boys. Simon seams like he will be the most consistent throughout the book, not having any breakdowns but always trying to stay at peace.