What did you expect from your first day of high school. Was AHS all that you expected it would be or were you disappointed? What surprised you? What do you most look forward to? What can I do to make high school better for you (do not ask for Chipotle from me!! :))
The first day of high school was a lot better then i expected it to be. It's weird getting used to the thought that your not in middle school anymore, but the idea of being a highschooler punches out all the bad thoughts. I was surprised by how many people there are, and how difficult it is to make my way through the hallways!! The thing i got to be looking forward to most though is trying out for the Arapahoe Boy's Basketball team, as I'm a big basketball player myself. Mrs. Moritz, the way you could help me most is just by helping me make it through my first year of high school with many stories to tell!
ReplyDeleteThe first day was pretty boring, but thats to be expected. I thought Language Arts and Spanish 1 were my favorites. I also think I'm going to try out for track in the spring, I've heard that it's fun. I also really like the student calander, I would have been lost without it.
ReplyDeleteWhat I excpected on my first was was a boat-load of homework, which fortunaly did not happen. I was not disappointed. I was nervous about Seniors, but they were all nice and some even smiled at me. I'm looking forward to ABK. You can help my highschool experience by being generous on the homework situation.
ReplyDeleteI expected my first day of high school to be a lot harder than it was. I thought I would have a hard time getting to my classes, being on time, and getting used to the new life, locker, people, etc. but it all turned out just fine. The high school itself really lived up to what I thought it would be...and maybe even a ton more. The only big difference from what I expected was the laid back feel that came with an open campus, (a big difference from middle school). I was also surprised that I wasn't scrambling to all my classes, and even more surprised that I had a lot of time to spare. I'm excited to meet new people and try new things when I'm in high school, and hope to do my best. Mrs. Moritz, if there was something you could do to make AHS better for me as a student, it would be to shorten homework and make a great class for the first year (thanks!).
ReplyDeleteI expected my first day of high school to be intimidating, due to the fact that I came from a small school. It's such a change, so many more people and so much bigger. However, I was surprised that I didn't panic all that much walking through the hallways. I think I was ready for it. I'd say that AHS was what I expected it to be: kids and crowded and noise and cell phones and all that stuff.. but still, it's odd being with different people in each class when in middle school, I had known everyone for nine years. Again, I was surprised that I didn't completely freak out. I mostly look forward to learning, having fun, making many friends, and swimming. Nicole has told me that you're hilarious but also serious about what you do, and I think that's great, and that makes high school better for me right there.
ReplyDeleteThe first day ruled! I got to all my classes and my teachers are super cool and nice. Iwas a little dissapointed that most of my friends are in 2nd lunch, but that is okay, it gives me a chance to make new ones. I too belive that if you want to help my high school experience please don't give a lot of homework.
ReplyDeleteI expected a lot of papers that I would have to sign and that my mom would have to sign and I got exactly that. I expected the crowded hallways at AHS but what I didn't expect is for the lockers to be such a burden to open. I was surprised that a lot of my teachers weren't extremely specific with school supplies, but rather let us make the choice of what we wanted on our own. I am definitely looking forward to homecoming week, but the only problem is that I don't have a lot of gold to wear for any of the homecoming events. I am also looking forward to meeting new people, because I didn't come from Powell or Newton. I am not really much of a sports person, so I will find involvement elsewhere. High School would definitely be a lot better if we didn't have a lot of homework.
ReplyDeleteMy first day was a lot more fun than I expected. I thought it was going to be a lot of boring lecturing, but it turned out to be far more interesting and exciting. The school seems really big but it is quite easy to find the class I was looking for. I really enjoyed all the freedom I had here at AHS compared to Newton. I look forward to accepting more responsibility but also enjoying what high school has to offer.
ReplyDelete(Kai-Bin Ooi) I had a great first day experience. It was everything i would have expected with all the freedom and flexibility, but it also comes with a lot more responsibility. What i am really looking forward to this year is playing soccer for ABK. I really look forward to learning from you because i have heard great things, and that is really all i can expect from you to make my time here better.
ReplyDeleteI expected AHS to be a very large change from middle school and it was. I also expected it to be very crazy during lunchtime and in the hallways, this was true too. AHS definitely met my expectations. I was surprised to see how much Arapahoe trusts students by giving us the privilege of off-campus amazes me! I really appreciate the responsibility we're given. I know that my school trusts me and it really helps me focus on classes and try my hardest to keep the privileges we have. As a teacher, you could be as helpful and nice to make our high school experience better. That and not giving us too much home work. :)
ReplyDeleteMy first day had it's typical ups and downs... To start off, I got on the bus thinking I would have a plethora of friends to talk to, but instead, I felt like a loner because everyone else had their parents take them. As I arrived at school, I felt welcomed as I walked in, immediately realizing 30 girls hugging in front of me... Anyway, in my first class spanish I was pleased with my teacher, but we quickly got sucked out nice quiet class into the rambunctious theater, where everyone (all how ever many of us (a lot)), was gathered in the same room. We then heard a few nice speeches about school pride, involvement, involvement, even more involvement, and some other stuff about cell phones. After the speeches I headed off to my second class, concert choir. I figured I would have a heap of trouble talking to all the seniors and other upper clansmen, but they were all nice and easy to talk to. After hearing some more rules, I walked to my third block, US History. In Us History we heard some rules and played some bingo, again pretty typical for a first day. In my forth block class, English, we had a blast talking and laughing as Mrs. Moritz talked to each one of us separately and asked us many questions, a very nice approach (by the way) for us to get to know each other. After English, I worked my way to Lunch where, well, I ate (duh). Then in fifth block I got to hear more rules, and a good class talk from Mr. Wallce, my Biology teacher. The only bummer in that class was a majority of the class was sophomores, who I didn't know. Finally, to end the day I (after what felt like hours) found my math class, which was full of people I actually knew. Anyway, if your still reading this, thanks for doing so and I hope know one will get mad at me for saying it took them practically 5 hours to read my comment. To wrap it up, my first day of Arapahoe was a great experience full of new people, new teaches, and lots and lots of rules. Mark C
ReplyDeleteI expected AHS to be fun and there to be alot of people, and i saw i wasn't wrong. There is ALOT of school spirit. I think this year will be alot of fun and i'm really excited to be in your class! and looking forward to not only that but also trying out for the Arapahoe Soccer Team!! I am deffinatly not dissapointed with the school because i see it has many good opportunities! Some of which are sports, making news friends, going to football games, dances and new responsibilites. I think the only thing you could do is to really BE THERE for us when we need you.
ReplyDeleteI expected high school to be a huge change from my old school, and after experiencing my first day, I realize that that appraisal was correct. I always pictured crowded hallways, swarming kids during off campus, and large classes, which was true in all cases. AHS was almost everything I suspected it would be, but I was a little disappointed by the lack of friends and recognizable faces in some of my classes. I was surprised that a few of my teachers were already starting their lessons for the semester. I most look forward to all the activities that AHS hosts for its students, like the rallies and dances. I agree with the others by saying that a small amount of homework would make my high school experience better.
ReplyDeletemy first day was definetly different from wat I expected. I say that in a good way though since I was expecting to have a horrible day with getting around the school and all that comes associated with a typical highschool. So far Arapahoe has turned out to be far from what peaple percieve highschool as and I was very pleased. I enjoy all my classes so far except I think my math class may be a bit easy for me so I plan on going to the guidance center tomorow since I have 2nd period off. I also want to see if I can locate a better root to all my classes by friday since I have 3 off periods on thursday. If there was anything you could do to make things easier I would say it would be to be somewhat leneant on homework and to understand certain situations for the students. I am really looking forward to class with you this year. Thanks for giving me this oppertunity!!
ReplyDeleteOn the first day of high school i was expecting it to to be confusing, to have crowded hall ways, and to be stressful. I expected it to be exciting and a lot different than middle school. Arapahoe was all that I expected, however I found it pretty similar to middle school and it was not quite as stressful as i had imagined. It was very suprising to me that I was able to find all of my classes, without being late. I am looking forward to many things about high school, but i most excited about having off campus with my friends. The only thing I can think of that you could help us with is not overwhelming us with homework!
ReplyDeleteOn my first day of high school I expected a complete change in the environment, the students around me, and my teachers. All of this happened but what I most expected to occur ,however; I didn't observe at all. This was a bunch of fumbling freshman with no idea where their next class would be. Overall Arapahoe was even better than I expected. I had a great time with all of my old friends while meeting some new peers along the way. What a great day! Not to mention, having first hour off was absolutely great. Nothing really suprised me except that everyone seems more upbeat than I had imagined. I'm most looking forward to having open campus lunch and of course more off hours.I don't believe that my teachers could really get any better. I feel like everything going on at Arapahoe is already great and will help me learn to the best of my ability.I'm looking forward to many more friends, studies, and fabulous days.
ReplyDeleteMy expectations for high school was to feel older and more independant, but it was very similar to middle school. So far i have not been dissapointed at all i have been very happy with high school! What surprised me was that i have every class with at least a couple upper classman! It was a pleasant surprise to see al the diversity. I look most forward to the great community, classes, and fun that this year at arapahoe has to offer! To help me you can just make it a fun and easy environment to be in!
ReplyDeleteI expected my first day of high school to be stressful, filled with incidents of being lost or late to my classes. But, my first day was the complete opposite. I was able to locate everyone of my classes easily and on time. The halls were very busy, but I was able to manage getting through the crowds. Lunch was a bit stressful, trying to find all of my friends, going to Starbucks, and then getting to our next class on time.Bbut overall it was managable and easier than what I expected. Arapahoe is exactly what I expected it to be. Everyone was very friendly to one another and had a lot of school spirit. What surprised me the most today was the easiness of getting from class to class and the amount of people who went off campus for lunch. The crosswalks were swarming with students throughout the entire hour. I most look forward to meeting new people and being part of the whole high school experience. You can help me survive high school by just making the class enjoyable and fun to be in. (:
ReplyDeleteI expected a very panic, rushed, and confusing first day of high school. Suprisingly, my day was very smooth and easy compared to what I expected. I was able to find all my classes on time without feeling rushed. Everyone was very considerate and I squeezed through the crowds in the hallways without being shoved or pushed the side. I am looking forward to embracing the Arapahoe spirit and cheering on our teams at the games. I'm also excited to meet new people and experiencing new things.
ReplyDeleteI was expecting to get lost but surprisingly did not. Arapahoe exceeded my expectations from the crowded hall ways to the amazing DECA cookies. I am very excited to meet new people and hopefully make a school team. From my first day with you I can tell that to help me have a great time here you just need to be the same as today energetic and fun.
ReplyDeleteI expected my first day of high school to be fun, but at the same time stressful. And to no suprise it was both! It was difficult at first getting my way around the school. But even after the first day I feel like I know the way around the school twenty times better then I knew it when I walked in this morning. The most suprising thing was how many students go to Arapahoe! When I was off campus for lunch it was crazy how many high schoolers were outside! The one thing I think you could do to help me in my high school expierience is to understand that I have a life outside of school. I know homework is a necesity but too much with cause me to struggle, because i can only juggle so many things at one time! :)
ReplyDeleteI expected my first day of high school to be stressful and for me to get lost a lot. Turns out, I was wrong. My day was nearly stress-free as I got to see some old friends and re-connect with some upper- classmen. Though most of my classes were in or around the Senior hallway, I managed to not get lost throughout the day. I only managed this, however; because my older brother brought me early and walked me through each of my classes. Arapahoe was a lot of what I expected with there being tons of students and crowded hallways. There was not much about the school that I was disappointed about. I was surprised about how many juniors and seniors that were in my classes. But, I look forward to working alongside them and other upper classman. Some of the main things you can do to make high school better would be to always be there when we need help and to be understanding, fun and energetic!
ReplyDeleteThe first day at Arapahoe High School went perfectly for me! I met so many knew people that I hope to become friends with in the near future, I found all my classes right on time and I love all my teachers that i was so carefully put with! What I expected was much like how my day went! I expected great teachers, stellar students, and amazing classes! I was very surprised at what freedom we have! We have off campus and we do have the ability to ditch our classes. Which shows me that I need to be even more responsible and keep up with my classes even more. I'm also very surprised at the amount of school spirit the upperclassmen have. All through middle school the word "spirit" was rarely mentioned let alone acted upon. The Warrior environment is such a great surrounding and I am so excited to be apart of it!! The only thing I would ask from you is to keep doing what you are doing, and help me when I don't understand what is being said in the classroom. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteMy first day of high school was much better than I expected it to be! Everyone said how scary the first day was going to be and made such a big deal out of it, but then once I got there and acutally got through the day without getting lost or beat up, I quickly realized high school isn't that bad and the next four years will be amazing!
ReplyDeleteWhen I realized how big arapahoe is, I thought for sure that I was going to get lost, surprisingly I didn't. AHS is more than I expected it to be because all of my classes seemed like they were going to be fun, and I was going to meet a lot of new people. Something that surprised me was that I didn't have a lot of the same people in each class like in middle school. I think that having off hours to do my homework will really help with sports throughout the year. Hopefully highschoo will just keep getting better.
ReplyDeleteMy first day of high school at arapahoe was surprisingly easy, i got to all my correct classes and figured out my locker! I expected to be LOST, but as soon as you know where each hallway is, it's very simple. I most look forward to more challenging work and all the amazing school spirit that comes with being a warrior as well as playing sports. I was not dissapointed! AHS lives up to EVERYTHING i have heard from the upperclassmen, as long as school is your first priority, you can be involved in anything and everything! The only things i would ask from you are as everyone has asked, keep the homework reasonable, but also keep a light and fun classroom atmosphere just as you did today!! Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteThe first day of school went pretty well. I really didn't know what to expect, but I was impressed by how nice the teachers were. I was surprised by how much fun I had! I had my first cross country practice and it was hard, but also really fun, so that is probably what I am looking forward to most. I would say to make high school better, just keep doing what you did today--having lots of energy and humor at the ready!
ReplyDeleteThe first day of high school was intresting like i expected it to be. Nothing really dissapointed me.I thought everything was pretty basic. The size of the classes suprised me. the varied in size every class. I look most forward to using my other off hours. I would like visual learning possibilities.
ReplyDeleteI expected my first day of high school to be overall fun but slightly frightening, due to my inability to remember where anything was. I wasn't really disappointed by anything! I was surprised that I knew so many people; apparently Powell is the biggest feeder school. I am definitely most looking forward to Yearbook and being on Volleyball. I would love to see some humor interspersed throughout the class, but I don't think there's going to be a problem with that. Haha.
ReplyDeleteMy first day was pretty good. It was quite a bit different than middle school.There are a lot more people and the building is a lot bigger.I'm sure i'll get used to it though.
ReplyDeleteWell, frankly, coming from a school of 150, today was an amazing adjustment for me. I am directionally challenged of sorts, so navigating the school was not the easiest thing in the world. I like it though. I appreciate being treated as more of an adult as compared to middle school.
ReplyDeleteI expected my first day of Arapahoe high school to be extremely confusing; however, it was the exact opposite! I found my way around the school with ease. One thing that surprised me was seeing upperclassmen in some of my classes such as biology and spanish 1. This school year I look forward to track season the most; I hope to meet new people and get in shape. You could make the high school experience less hectic for me by assigning less homework during the week and less homework on the weekends.
ReplyDeleteI had expected my first day to be confusing and a little intimidating, but I was pleasantly suprised to find that high school wasn't as bad as I had expected. sure it was big and new which may seem scary but really since I have friends in every class its not so bad. I'm looking foward to playing football and baseball and having a great time with friends. You can make the class more fun by adding humor and making our projects something we'll enjoy doing.
ReplyDeleteI expected highschool to be more hectic than it really was. I am not dissapointed at all with the results of my first day. All my classes were easy to find and the teachers and students are usually nice and helpful. I enjoy all the freedoms and responsibilities that we have been given, even as the youngest students. Class could be made better with humor and fun work, not just dull "filler". Zach W
ReplyDeleteI thought that my first day went pretty well. I made it to all my classes on time and met some new friends. I think that today I got a rough feel for the way high school works and how my classes function. Dispite missing the bus, I think my day turned out well on the whole. I think that a lot of what will improve my high school experience at Arapahoe is just figuring it out a little more and working out how long it takes to get to the bus after 6th hour. We'll see how it goes!
ReplyDeleteThe first day of high school was great. It was so much fun to see my friends from elementary school that i hadnt seen in a long time. Getting to class was ok, but i kept on thinking the s1 (meaning 1st semester) meant the room s1 so i walked in there twice by mistake. I loved lunch because open campus was really fun to be able to go where i wanted to. At first I was really intimidated by honors classes, but they seem like interesting, enjoyable courses. After school, i stood in line for athlete signup when i didnt have to until spring. As a result of this i missed the 24 bus and walked home. Overall though,
ReplyDeleteit was a good day.
ReplyDeleteI was expecting high school to be a lot harder than what it was. I found my way easily around the school and I liked all of my teachers. I think a lot of things could get better but those will probably happen with time when I'm more accustomed
ReplyDeleteto the school.
Well, tis is definitely late! I don't know if I'm doing this right...oh well. I'll just have to make up the grade during another class assignment! Other than this little mishap, my first day was pretty great. I expected to get lost a lot and not make it to class on time, but I was wrong! I only got lost once and make it to class on time! But, on the down side, the hallways are a lot more crowded than I am used to, and its going to take a lot to fight them. Also, my locker isn't opening for me! I couldn't get it open yesterday, nor today. I really don't know what to make of hidge school!!!
ReplyDeleteOops, sorry, High School!!!
ReplyDeleteFor my first day of highschool, i expected it to go alot less smoothly. I was so nervous at the beggining! but once i got here and through my first few classes, i got pretty comfortable with it! The only thing i was really surprised at, was how hectic the hallways are! I'm really looking forwart to just meeting new people! I'm not really sure what you could do to make it easier, but i will for sure let you know!
ReplyDeleteHigh school, crowded halls, and a locker in the pit, oh my! For high school I came in thinking that it was going to just be the next step in my educational career; only with more people, a different schedule, potentially harder classes, more choices, opportunities to branch out, and four years ahead of me to conquer it all. The first day was good I found out that meeting new people is mandatory (which is great!), old friends won't be with you as much during the day (change is evident), independence is for sure, and that high school will be a new adventure! My classes weren't to spread out and 5 minutes was plenty to shift from one class to another, the two thing I was worried about. I am excited to be surrounded by a community of people that seem so welcoming and truly filled with warrior pride! Also, I am looking forward to all the school days ahead of me that will present new challenges for which I will embrace with open arms, today was a great opening to the rest of my years a Arapahoe! And Mrs. Moritz the first day insured me that you will be a great teacher and that is all I ask!
ReplyDeleteToday I walked through the doors into a crowded hallway. Wow! I'm in high school. Although I have been through the halls of Arapahoe many times, there is something special about being a part of the school, not just a member of the crowd watching. The classes were boring, as expected. I feel like I have seen more class syllabuses today than my whole life! I can't tell how my teachers will be but most all seem very fun. I think this year of school will seem like climbing a mountain: There will be false summits and times where it is easy but over all, I will have to work hard. This year will be hard but rewarding, my own private mountain. This is not what i expected at all. I am looking forward to working and being rewarded!
ReplyDeleteI thought my first day of highschool would be scary and really hard. The halls seemed so big and confusing when i first saw them but i made it to every class easy and I didnt get lost. I expected highschool to be very serious, I was wrong! Everybody is so nice and overall its just a great environment. I think just having your support, understanding and having a fun class than my highschool will be enjoyable and fun!
ReplyDeleteFirst day was great. It wasnt as crowded as i expected and I like my teachers. I really look forward to playing baseball for the warriors and playing for Luke Muller's team. I am also looking forward to getting used to the high school workload. I was surprised at how many people I recognized or knew. I am a visual and discussion related learner so it would help to have pictures and discusions.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Moritz is so awesome so she never will give us too much homework.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't here on the first day of school, but I definitely enjoyed my second. It was much like I expected. There were many papers to sign and return, many textbooks handed out, and many introductions into subjects already. What surprised me was how many people are in the hallways during passing periods. I am excited for the school year, and Mrs. Moritz seems like an excellent teacher!
ReplyDeleteI finally got the blog to work! But I had a lot of fun on the first day! I had the usual surprises... I didn’t realize I would know so many people, the hallways weren’t as crowded as I thought and lunch is actually longer than I though! But I really did have a wonderful first and second day! :)
ReplyDeleteMy first day of school went almost just like I expected. I got a little confused about where I was going but could mostly get advice from my friends. The classes felt longer than I thought they would. In middle school we had 45 minute class blocks, here they are one hour. The teachers are all nice and helpful which make the upcoming year look hopeful. The way you, as my teacher, can make the year better for me is by simply doing the best teaching job you can.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI expected the first day of high school to be pretty stressful and it didn’t surprise me when it was. Luckily, I made it to all my classes on time and didn’t have one of those embarrassing moments where I suddenly realized I was in the wrong class. It took me a few classes to get used to the five minute passing period and the crazy crowded hallways but my teachers were all really nice and made me feel welcome. The only problem I had was getting my locker open. I wasn’t able to get it open the entire day but I hope to master that in the next few weeks. I think a relaxed classroom but while still learning would help me the best and make high school better for me. I am really excited about starting school at Arapahoe and I can’t wait to make new friends and have a good time.
ReplyDeleteI expected the first day of high school to be extremely scary and intimidating. Thankfully, I did not get lost once on my first day and managed to make it to all of my classes on time, figure out my confusing schedule, and eat at the right lunch. Arapahoe was definatley all that I expected it to be and more. Everyone was so welcoming and made me feel like I fit right in. The only thing that was slightly frightening was the huge seniors in the hall who I had to try to squeeze by without being knocked over... The thing that most suprised me is that I didn't get lost and just after the first week, I already know my way around to pretty much evrywhere I need to be. I am most looking forward to all of the really fun activities at AHS, like sports. Even if I'm not out on the field playing, I will be at mostly every game to cheer on our Warriors! I love school spirit and I can't wait to go to sporting events at AHS. To make my high school experience better, I suggest mixing up the actvities we do in class so that we aren't doing the same things over and over and over again every day. I love a variety. The last thing I would suggest is that we have a quiet workspace area to concentrate and get the work done that we need to :)
ReplyDeleteSince I transferred from Cherry Creek, I started a week late. Although I, too, thought that it would be intimidating, confusing, and mediocre. I went home that day feeling so satisfied! Everybody that talked to me was unusually, unexpectedly welcoming and friendly. Some people even made it out of their way to greet me! I feel like Arapahoe is the high school I was always meant to go to (with contribution from the awesome food places that are walking distance from school). Overall, my first day of school did not feel like a first day at all, and it was filled with happiness and learning.